Creating Slack Notifications using Webhooks


You want to use Slack with webhooks to be able to customize the integration a bit more than using it as a Launchpoint service.


We will assume you have already created your App within the Slack API page  we will cover everything after that here.

1) Make sure you are logged in so you can access your App through the Slack API page.

2) Select your App:

Slack App.png

3) From here you will want to select the "Incoming Webhooks" from underneath "Features":

Incoming Webhooks.png

4) Use the on/off toggle to the right of the title "Activate Incoming Webhooks"


Activate Incoming Webhooks.png

5) Select the "Add New Webhook to Workspace" button to create a new URL that we will use for our webhook within Marketo:

Add new webhook.png

6) Select where you want to post, either at a specific user or channel:

Select where to post.png


7) Now we are directed back to the page we were one, hit the copy button next to the Webhook URL to copy the URL as we will need it for a later step.

😎 Login to your Marketo instance and navigate to the Admin section.

9) Select Webhooks

10) Select Create Webhook. For the following fields assign the appropriate values:

Webhook Name*        =        What ever you want to name

Description                 =        A description of what the webhook is used for
URL*                           =        Here is where we paste the URL we copied before
Request Type*            =        POST

Template                     =       This is the information you want to send to your slack channel/user It should in the following format:

                                             payload={"text": "DEVELOPER SITE ALERT: {{lead.First Name:default=edit me}} {{lead.Company:default=edit me}},
                                                           {{lead.Email Address:default=no email address}}" }

Request Encoding Token     =  None (You can change this if you want)
Response Type                    =  None

11) Click create and now we are ready to call our webhook and send necessary data to our users in Slack!