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Here is a list of all the ways leads can get into Marketo. Marketo Forms On Marketo Landing Pages When leads fill out forms on your landing pages, they are automatically added to your Marketo lead database. Create a Basic Form Add a Form to a Landing Page Forms Deep Drive Marketo Forms On Non-Marketo Landing Pages You can "copy" the form HTML from Marketo, make slight changes and add it to your own website. Leads filling out these forms are also added to the Marketo lead database. Note, progressive profiling and form pre-fill are not available in this situation.  Put a Marketo Form on a Non-Marketo Page Marketo Forms On Non-Marketo Landing Pages Using Iframes This method allows you to use a Marketo form on your own website without losing form pre-fill and progressive profiling. Put a Marketo Form on a Non-Marketo Page Using an Iframe APIs   Using the SOAP API or JavaScript (Munchkin) API allows you to add leads directly into your database.  Marketo Enterprise SOAP API Munchkin JavaScript API Calls List Import   Import a list of leads into the Marketo lead database.  Import a List of Leads CRM The CRM Sync will pull down and keep in sync any lead originating in the CRM system. Marketo Supported CRM Integrations Manually in the Lead Database A lead can also be created in Marketo manually. Create a Lead in Marketo Manually
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While viewing a published landing page with a form, you can open it up directly in Marketo with this little tool. Note: This tool is not officially supported.      1. To install, go to      2. Drag Open LP -> MKTO onto your browser bookmarks bar. Tip: To show the browser bookmarks bar: Chrome: View > Always Show Bookmarks Bar Firefox: View > Toolbars > Bookmarks Toolbar      3. That's it. Just click the Open LP -> MKTO bookmark when viewing a published landing page with a form.      4. And you'll be taken to the landing page in Marketo.
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Issue Description The exact distinction between the "Email Bounces" and "Email Bounces Soft" filter and trigger is unclear. Issue Resolution The “Email Bounces” trigger or filter will look only at hard bounces, where Marketo received a definitive "No" from the target server. The “Email Bounces Soft” trigger or filter only looks at soft bounces, which occur when we are unable to deliver the email, but did not receive a rejection from the target server. You can use both filters with "OR" logic in order to look at all bounces.
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Included in this article Overview Due to changes in the SFDC integration, you may need to take action to continue syncing data to your Salesforce instance. The primary change affected a small number of fields syncing to your Salesforce instance, requiring the fields be recreated to continue syncing the data. Another change affected Salesforce Professional edition customers, requiring them to purchase API access from Salesforce in order to keep syncing all of the Salesforce integration, not just those affected fields. What Changes Were Made? Marketo's MLM AppExchange package has been retired. The MLM package itself didn’t do much, but was responsible for syncing 16 Marketo fields to Salesforce. The configuration update shut off the sync of data to the MLM package and these original fields. You can keep syncing the same data to SFDC but it requires creating new custom fields in SFDC. Once the fields are created, a drip process is initiated to backfill existing data from Marketo into the new fields in SFDC. The MLM package was officially deprecated as of January 31st, 2017 and data has stopped syncing to the fields created by the MLM package. The Marketo integration with SFDC Professional edition will not be able to continue with the existing API token. SFDC Professional edition customers must purchase API access from SFDC. This applies to the newly recreated fields as well as the rest of the integration. SFDC Fields Affected The configuration change stopped data from syncing from these 16 Marketo fields to their 32 corresponding SFDC fields (16 on the Lead object, 16 on the Contact object). The data in these fields inside of SFDC is no longer current. Lead Score Acquisition Program Acquisition Program Id Acquisition Date Original Search Phrase Original Source Info Original Source Type Original Referrer Original Search Engine Inferred Company Inferred Metropolitan Area Inferred Phone Area Code Inferred State Region Inferred City Inferred Postal Code Inferred Country Most customers only used a couple of these fields in their Salesforce instance – Lead Score and Acquisition Program. However, if your SFDC users rely on any of the 16 fields affected, you’ll need to make some quick modifications to the integration setup to recreate the fields. Keeping Field Data in SFDC The sync of data into these 32 fields has been shut off. If you want to keep syncing data from these fields to use it in SFDC, you’ll need to create new custom fields in SFDC for the Marketo data to sync into, using specific API names to match up to the original Marketo fields. Details on how to recreate these fields can be found here: Adding Marketo Fields to Salesforce Scoring Still Displays in MSI The Sales Insight Score tab on Lead records in SFDC will continue to show up-to-date score information. This view will not be impacted in any way. No Data Will Be Lost Marketo is the source of this data, and the data inside of Marketo will not be touched. The data in Marketo will continue to stay current, as it always has. The change made affected how it was passed into SFDC. No matter what, the data will be preserved inside of Marketo. SFDC Professional Edition All editions of Salesforce require API access for any integration to work. Professional Edition customers need to ensure that they have the add on of API access from Salesforce in order to continue syncing between Marketo and Salesforce. This includes the newly recreated fields as well as the rest of the integration. Marketo Sales Insight MSI utilizes API calls to communicate with Marketo, so even if you are only using MSI and not the rest of the Marketo - SFDC integration, it will still require API access with Salesforce. Preventing Problems in SFDC Since the fields in SFDC are brand new fields that have just been created, everything in SFDC that references the original fields will need to be updated to point to the new fields instead. This includes all Workflows, Apex Triggers, and AppExchange packages for 3rd party software and Reports. As soon as the new fields are recreated in SFDC, the Marketo fields are remapped to those new fields. The backfill process begins and the sync is cut off to the older existing fields, so they immediately stop updating. This results in two important things to be aware of: Everything in SFDC referencing the older original fields will be referencing old data that is no longer updating. The backfilled values entered into the newly recreated fields will be seen by SFDC as brand new values, not the existing values that they are in Marketo. This can cause your Workflows, Apex Triggers, AppExchange packages for 3rd party software and Reports to all behave differently. For full details on this, please see Changes to Marketo Salesforce Sync – Preventative Troubleshooting Where to Go for More Information Frequently Asked Questions Check out our FAQ for the answers to the most commonly asked questions. Changes to Marketo Salesforce Sync – Frequently Asked Questions Discussion thread We've created this discussion thread in the community to address any questions you may have. This discussion thread will be monitored by the Marketo team to ensure you get answers to your questions. Changes to Marketo Salesforce Sync – Questions and Discussion Preventing Problems In Salesforce Recreating the new fields in Salesforce can cause your Workflows, Apex Triggers, Reports and AppExchange apps behave differently. They'll need to be updated and this doc will show you what to watch out for: Changes to Marketo Salesforce Sync – Preventative Troubleshooting   Under the Hood Documentation This doc will give you all of the nitty gritty details of exactly what is happening. If you're looking for in depth technical details, this is the go-to doc to check out! Changes to Marketo Salesforce Sync – Under The Hood Recreating Affected Fields There are different versions of Salesforce, but don't worry, all of the details on how to recreate the affected fields as well as a video tutorial can all be found in the documentation here: Adding Marketo Fields to Salesforce Contact Marketo Support If you would prefer to talk to someone live, please contact Marketo Support over any of the channel listed here: Contact Marketo Support .
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When trying to sync updates to your instance from Marketo you see one of the following errors in the activity log : Failed: INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS_ON_CROSS_REFERENCE_ENTITY INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS_OR_READONLY INVALID_CROSS_REFERENCE_KEY This is an error sent to Marketo from Salesforce. There are a number of reasons why this error could occur. INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS_ON_CROSS_REFERENCE_ENTITY means that the user who is trying to make the update does not have access to a related element that is required for the record to be updated and saved in SFDC. There are a number of specific examples of what might be the cause but these will vary from organisation to organization depending on the configuration of your If you were to connect to sfdc as the Marketo user and try manually updating the same record that Marketo is trying to update then you will get the same error in the UI. Here are a list of some elements that you should check in SFDC if you see this error: Do you use record types? If so make sure that the the Marketo user has access to all required record types and that the Record Type Id in Marketo is correct for the Lead or Contact. Sometimes, when a Lead is converted to a Contact in SFDC, the Record Type ID fails to update in Marketo, causing the sync to fail. This is one of the most common causes for these errors. Are there any look-up or master detail fields on the object in question? If these types of fields are being updated then make sure that the Marketo user has access this object/ these records. Do you use Apex? If so you may have trigger that fire on the the update of a record, you will need to make sure that the Marketo user has profile access to the relevant Apex classes. If you have any workflow rules or assignment rules that send an email when the record is saved then you will need to make sure that the Marketo user has the send email permission and has access to the email folder that contains the mails that are sent rules are triggered. Make sure "Convert Leads" is turned-on within SFDC.  If it is not, you will get this error message when trying to merge leads that exist within Marketo and SFDC.  
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Issue The GoToWebinar service in Admin > Launchpoint shows a Failed API Error - API Error: ERROR -> HTTP Code = '403' Solution This error occurs due to an issue with the credentials Marketo uses to access the GoToWebinar service. To fix this, you would need to re-login to the GoToWebinar service under Admin > Launchpoint.  Once this is done, the error should be resolved.  You should also check the program membership for the webinar programs in Marketo, since any leads who attempted to register for a webinar while the error was in effect will have a status of "Registration Error" and will need to have their status corrected to "Registered."   Who This Solution Applies To Customers integrated with GoToWebinar
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Issue Issue Description The custom object you created in SalesForce isn't showing up in the tree in Salesforce Objects Sync, or isn't showing up at the right level in the tree.   Solution Issue Resolution Make sure the Custom object has a lookup or Master-Detail relationship to the Lead, Contact, or Account object. Also ensure that the lookup field is visible to the Marketo Sync User  
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Issue Description Can I use Marketo Sales Insight Outlook plugin with Office 365? Issue Resolution The Marketo Sales Insight Outlook plugin is currently not supported for Office 365 Web Application. The Outlook versions it supports include: Outlook 2000 Outlook 2003 Outlook 2007 Outlook 2010 Outlook 2013 Outlook 2016  Outlook 365 Local Installation If you would like for Marketo MSI to be supported for Office 365 Web Application, you can raise it as an idea in our community: Our product managers refer to these ideas for improving on existing features and implementing new features in future releases.
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On your Marketo landing pages, if you want to retrieve a URL parameter via Javascript, here's how to do it. First, identify the URL parameters you want to capture. We'll use Google search parameters -- "utm_keyword" "utm_campaign" "utm_term" and "__kk". Please ensure that you have access to an experienced JavaScript developer. Marketo Technical Support is not set up to assist with troubleshooting JavaScript. Below is the Javascript you'll need.  Add this to your landing page with a Custom HTML element or by editing a landing page template: <script language="Javascript" src="/js/public/jquery-latest.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="/js/public/jQueryString-2.0.2-Min.js" type="text/javascript" ></script> <script>   // to set cookies.  Uses noConflict just in case   var $jQ = jQuery.noConflict();   var utm_keyword = $jQ.getQueryString({ ID: "utm_keyword" });   var utm_source = $jQ.getQueryString({ ID: "utm_source" });   var utm_term = $jQ.getQueryString({ ID: "utm_term" });   var __kk = $jQ.getQueryString({ ID: "__kk" }); </script>
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Issue A webhook that looks to be structured the same as other functioning webhooks is failing with HTTP Error 400: Bad URL request. Solution A 400 error message usually means that the request was malformed. In other words, the data stream sent by the client to the server wasn't formatted in the exact way required by the receiving service.  You will need to work with the service you are trying to reach to figure out the exact cause of the error with the webhook.
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Issue You made an A/B Test within an Email Program, and now when you are in a Smart List or Smart Campaign and are attempting to set up a filter (such as Opened Email), you are unable to locate the A/B test email asset in order to select it. Solution When an A/B test is made in an Email Program, the Program must be approved in order for the email to be located by other assets (Smart Lists/Smart Campaigns.) When the Program is approved, the email asset name will be changed to whatever kind of A/B test is used, and will be available for reference in other assets. For example: [program name].Subject Line Test; or [program name].Whole Email Test
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Issue Description Additional domains or subdomains need to be configured for Web Personalization (RTP) Issue Resolution If you want to add a new domain, check your subscription or contract to see how many additional domains are included. Your Customer Success Manager should be able to provide this information If not all entitled domains are configured in Marketo, reach out to support to add the domain(s) If all entitled domains are configured in Marketo, reach out to your Customer Success Manager to purchase more. If you wish to add a subdomain, reach out to support as additional subdomains do not incur a cost. Who This Solution Applies To Customers using Web Personalization
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Issue Leads in a GoToWebinar event program have a "registration error" status. Solution If this is affecting all new leads registering for the webinar:  This is caused by Marketo losing connection with the GoToWebinar service.  To resolve this Go to Admin > Launchpoint. Open the GoToWebinar service. Re-enter your GoToWebinar credentials. Once this is done, you can go back to the webinar program and change the status of the affected leads from "Registration Error" to "Registered." If this is affecting only specific leads registering for the webinar:  Check the name, email, company, and job title fields for any special characters. GoToWebinar often doesn't allow special characters and will throw an error. 
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Before sending a Marketo email, you can preview it in order to ensure accuracy and the correct design. In Design Studio, find the email in the tree. Clicking on the email opens the Details page for that email. Click Preview Email to see the email as recipients will see it. You can also preview an email from the Email Actions dropdown menu.     The Previewer provides a highly accurate rendition of your email. You can even preview every possible combination of content that can be generated using Dynamic Content and lead data brought in by tokens.   For emails using Dynamic Content, you can send multiple versions of a test email at one time, up to 100 emails all sent to one specific email destination. If you are using the View Lead Details option, you can use a list you select. The list can be created expressly for this purpose. If the list is longer than 100 leads in length, only the first 100 leads will be used.   Marketo creates variations using the content you specify for the Segments that leads belong to; tokens are also resolved. This allows you to see exactly what your users will see when they receive the email, even when you use multiple Segmentations in a single email.   Note: If the email, and the campaign that sends it, are in the same Program, each My Token will resolve to the value appropriate to that Program. However, if the email and the campaign are in different Programs, the My Token resolves differently depending on how the email is sent. For sending test emails and single flow actions, the My Token resolves to the value appropriate to theemail’s Program; for emails sent by campaigns, the My Token resolves to the value appropriate to the campaign’s Program. Is this article helpful ? YesNo   Use the Previewer   To preview an email, find it, then follow these steps:   1.   In Marketo Lead Management, choose the Design Studio tab. Look at the tree on the left-hand side of your screen. 2.   In the tree, click the + next to Emails. A list of landing pages opens.   3.   In the tree, click the email you want to use. Details appear for the email. 4.   Click the button, Preview Email.  The Previewer opens. 5.   Inspect the page carefully.   6.   If you find problems, click Preview Actions, and choose Launch Editor. You can then fix problems in the Email Designer.   7.   If you used Dynamic Content, the version shown is the Default for all Segmentations used by the email. To view other versions, choose View by Segment from the pull-down; use the left and right arrows, and the Segment pull-down in the top right corner, to view each combination of Segments. The version of the email reflecting each combination of Segments displays.   8.   If you used Tokens or Dynamic Content, and you want to see how the email will render for a set of preselected leads, choose View by Lead Detail from the pull-down, then choose a list from the pull-down in the dialog box which appears; use the left and right arrows, and the pull-down, to step through the leads. The email updates with information for that lead.   9.   To send a test email, for any version of the email, bring that email onscreen in the Previewer; then, click Send Test. That version of the email will be sent as a test email. Tokens at the global level will be resolved; My Tokens – tokens that are a local asset to a Program – will not.   10.  When finished, close the Previewer.
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Issue Description How to view email opens and their time of activity per recipient? Issue Resolution Generally, the date/time stamps on email opens by recipient can be retrieved via the results tab of a smart campaign. If the emails were sent via an email program, go into the Control Panel and click the View Results link in the Audience pane. The other ways to get the activities and time by recepient is to: 1.) Create a smart list to find all leads that have opened the specified email and inspect each activity log OR 2.) Use the activities REST API
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Issue Description Calls made to the REST API return response code 611 "System Error". Issue Resolution Submit a Customer Support ticket with the following information The full body of the REST API call including the endpoint being called The full body of the REST API response The date and time that the call was made Customer Support will work to diagnose the root cause of the error and the reason a more identifiable error code is not being returned instead.     Is this article helpful ? YesNo
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Current Microsoft Dynamics Version New Microsoft Dynamics Version Requires a New Marketo Instance On-Premise 2016/365 (Version 😎 On-Premise (Version 9) No* On-Premise 2013, 2015, 2016/365 (Version 😎 Online (Version 9) Yes Online 2016 (Version 😎 Online (Version 9) No Migrating from any Microsoft Dynamics version (On-premise or online) to a custom integration will require a new Marketo instance since the Account and Opportunity tables are locked and there is no tool or solution to unlock them. *If a customer is moving to a new on-premise version they will need to move to a new Marketo instance if they plan to update GUIDs and Service Org URL. If the GUIDs and Service Org URL will both stay the same they can use the same Marketo instance.
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Issue After clicking on a link within a sent email, link gets a 404 redirect error instead of going to the expected landing page. However when clicking to that link within the Marketo Email Editor it goes to the expected landing page without error.   Solution This happens when the tracking link domain name is pointing to the wrong Canonical Name (CNAME).  The reason it works in the previewer is that the previewer does not use tracking links. Run a CNAME lookup on a tool like Take note of the Canonical Name Double check that it is the same as the "Tracking Link" found under Admin/Email/Tracking Link. If the CNAMES are not the same you will need to work with your IT team to modify them. Once this has been modified and propagates through the web (24 hours or so) tracking links should work.
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Overview   A blacklist is a database of IP addresses or domains that have been associated with the sending of unsolicited commercial email or spam.  Internet Service Providers (ISPs) and business email networks use information from blacklists to filter out unwanted email.  As a result there can be a drop in inbox delivery rates or overall delivery rates if the IPs or domains involved with sending email are listed on a blacklist. Marketo’s Email Delivery and Compliance team monitors blacklist activity on our IPs and domains daily. When we are alerted to a listing we reach out to the blacklist, attempt to identify the sender that triggered it, and work with the blacklist organization to get the listing resolved. There are thousands of blacklists out there most will not have a significant impact on your delivery rates. Below we have compiled a list of the blacklists that our customers most commonly encounter. Tier 1 Blacklist Spamhaus Impact: Spamhaus is the only blacklist that we categorize as a tier 1 for a reason: it has by far the greatest impact on delivery of all of the blacklists. It is the most well-respected and widely used blacklist in the world. A listing at Spamhaus will have a negative effect on your ability to deliver emails to your customer’s inbox and can cause bounce rates of over 50%.  Evidence suggests that most of the top North American ISPs use Spamhaus to inform blocking decisions. How it works: Unlike many blacklists, Spamhaus lists senders manually. This means that they are proactively watching sender activity, collecting data, and basing their listings on a number of variables. Most commonly senders are listed for mailing to spam trap addresses that Spamhaus owns. Sometimes Spamhaus will list senders based on recipient feedback as well. Next steps: Our team monitors closely for Spamhaus listings. When we see a listing we immediately alert the customer and contact Spamhaus to start the remediation process. Listings last until Spamhaus is satisfied that the offending sender has taken the appropriate steps to mitigate the problem.   Tier 2 Blacklists SpamCop Impact: SpamCop is not used by any of the major North American ISPs to inform blocking decisions but it makes it to the Tier 2 list because it can have a significant impact on B2B email campaigns. How it works: SpamCop lists IPs for one of two reasons: Either the email hit SpamCop spam trap addresses OR A SpamCop user has reported the email unwanted. Most of SpamCop’s spam traps are previously valid addresses that have not been active for 12 months or longer. Next steps: SpamCop is a dynamic blacklist, listings typically resolve themselves within one business day.  There is no action you will need to take to action the delisting with SpamCop, the Privacy Team researches every SpamCop listing and will request delistings when an alert is received that an IP is listed. If your email activity triggered a SpamCop listing it likely means that you have a list management problem that should be addressed. Manitu Impact: Manitu is a German blacklist and has a wide footprint in Europe.  Email senders with European audiences tend to encounter this blacklist most frequently. Manitu is not used by North American ISPs to inform blacklist decisions but if you’re sending to Europe a listing could be problematic. How it works: Listings are automatically activated when a sender mails to a Manitu owned spam trap address. Next steps: The Privacy Team researches and requests delisting when an alert is received that a Marketo IP is listed.  By working with this blacklist the Privacy Team is usually able to identify the customer and let them know that email activity from their subscription triggered a listing. Because Manitu operates solely on the use of spam trap addresses, getting listed by Manitu is a clear indication that senders need to audit their mailing lists.   Tier 3 Blacklists      SORBS   Impact: The impact of a listing at SORBS is very minimal. How it works: SORBS uses several methods to identify potential spammers. Most of their lists use spam traps to identify problematic senders. But SORBS will also list a sender based on their own user complaints, if SORBS administrators have received spam from the sender, or if they identify other high-level sending behavior patterns characteristic of spammers. Next steps: The Privacy Team monitors SORBS activity and makes delisting requests for Marketo IPs as necessary. Oftentimes, SORBS will refuse to delist within a certain timeframe based on the severity of the issue.  Sometimes this can be up to several weeks.   UCEPROTECT Impact: The impact of a listing at UCEPROTECT is very minimal, though the blacklist has a greater footprint in Europe. The organization does not have a good reputation in the industry because they charge senders to request delisting. How it works: UCEPROTECT lists IPs that send mail to their spam trap addresses. Next steps: We ignore these listings because the only way to have them removed is to pay. The pay-to-delist model is not well respected in the email industry so UCEPROTECT has a very limited reach.   ISP Blacklists   Some ISPs have their own blacklists that they use to inform blocking decisions. A few examples are Comcast and Verizon. If your IP is being blocked by one of these networks, and those networks have a large presence in your lists, a block of this kind could have a noticeable negative impact on delivery. Marketo monitors for this type of ISP specific blacklisting and the the Privacy Team works to resolve these as soon as possible. Usually blocks at Comcast and Verizon are resolved within less than 24 hours of a delisting request.   Additional Resources: Blacklist Deep Dive Abuse Report Deep Dive What is a spamtrap, or spam trap, and why does it matter? Blacklist remediation Blacklist resolution flowchart Successful lead reconfirmation What is a blacklist?
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Issue When you are entering the names of Facebook Forms into Marketo triggers, filters, and/or other fields, Marketo may present an error (red-squiggle) under the name value, stating that the value is invalid.     Solution The reason that Marketo states this value is invalid is because the Facebook Form has not yet been filled out for the first time. Only after an existing Marketo record has filled out the Facebook Form will the name value of the form be in the Marketo system. If you were interested in setting up a trigger campaign to trigger off Facebook Form fillouts, you would first have to fill out the form with a test record that exists in the Marketo Lead Database. For filters within a batch campaign or Smart List, or entering the form name in any other fields, the same resolution would apply: fill out the form with a test record that you are associated with in the Marketo Lead Database.    
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