@cookiemonstersa@Darshil_Shah1- would you recommend I import everyone that I deleted, unsubscribe them, then delete them again? That way, if they happen to get added again they wil...
Is there a way that previously deleted people that are added back to Marketo, get unsubscribed? Or is there a smart filter that can be used to omit them from being delivered emails...
Thank you, Darshil. I did think about having all of the emails in one single campaign. My only hesitation would be for prospects that need to be removed from the flow, then started...
I have a few campaigns that my automation consultant advised me to set up a certain way - they actually advised against engagement programs because they aren't as flexible as smart...
I take that back. I was trying to go the easy route by viewing campaign members, selecting all, then removing from flow that way. Going the smart batch route, I was able to remove ...
Hi@Christiane_Rode,thank you for the response. I'm not seeing it there either because it's not active.
Another question. If a "Request Campaign" step is in the flow, will the requ...
I found this article:https://nation.marketo.com/t5/knowledgebase/unable-to-abort-a-triggered-campaign-in-progress/ta-p/253483
It is helpful, but my question is why a deactivated t...
So, with those flow steps, I do believe that the contact would be removed from the flow since "Remove From Flow" is used. If Remove From Flow was not a step, then the only ...
Hi all!
I'm working on a new nurture series. This is the email sequence that I would like to use. Would you recommend a set of triggered smart campaigns or an engagement program? ...