Single form, with checkboxes for each session. When each checkbox is selected, the values are concatenated into a field.
Though, that process can be updated to better accommodate ...
We have an event that has multiple sessions. Each session has a specific login link. We don't want to send 8 different emails with each login link. Is there a way to use velocity s...
I like the thought. I'm working on scoring directly related to programs and have been trying to figure out the best set up for this. do you update flows to update these by program?...
I'm looking for creative ideas on how to fix an ongoing issue we are experiencing in Dynamics and Marketo. Unfortunately we have new records created in both Dynamics and Marketo. N...
I'm experiencing a similar issue where I'm seeing a bunch of new leads being created with tracking UTMs related to a Marketo email campaign. I'm trying to figure out how these new ...
I am exploring using Power BI to create Marketo dashboards. I've gotten to the step where I have to enter Marketo REST API endpoint and a Start Date. Does anyone know what the Star...
For some reason, I cannot access all lead records in my Marketo database using Alteryx. I only see options to pull records by static lists, however, there isn't currently a static ...
I'm actually trying to use Stitch Data to integrate Marketo data into Google Data Studio. It does not seem as straight forward as I had hoped. If I get it up and running, I'll try ...
Thanks Sanford. You do bring up some great points.I don't intend to do this for every campaign. Just the larger campaigns we are running throughout the year. So the scoring would h...