Maybe I'm overthinking this, but I've been working on implementing this nurture-type program and I find myself creating 30+ trigger campaigns to do it. Is there a better way??Here'...
Here is an example landing page I have with a subscription form I'm testing. I previously subscribed to the product information and updates, but how do I get it to show that I did ...
My marketo is integrated with SFDC. SFDC has the autoassignment rules set up and applies it to new leads.We made an exception for a certain campaign where leads that fill out Form ...
Hi Kristen,I'm somewhat new to scripts in code! Im wondering where I should be pasting this code? I put it just under the opening body tag in my landing page template and updated t...
Are there any risks in activating the Next Gen UX setting? If there are any resources to share about things to think about when considering using the Next Gen UX, that would be gre...