Would need clarity on'send content to people based on # of days after a lead has engaged with content in an email'
Are you trying to qualify people based on a duration, after a lea...
Although this may not be an absolutely 'complete' list - but if you try to fetch this from Campaign Inspector and look at the filters which contain a common criteria, you'll get a ...
'People' is a new name for what used to be 'Leads' - It's updating gradually across all Marketo Instances.
For Marketo, there's no concept of Contacts - Marketo calls everyone as '...
Category 1 Bounces, though record as Hard Bounce, but still are temporary - would it be fine to actually exclude this category from exclusion lists (lists which have records with s...
Yes - the smart campaign calculates the count whenever it's scheduled. That's the reason the schedule tab mentions 'may change over time'
The triggered campaigns however when push...
No - not all fields can change their values, and hence, Data Value Change won't result in anything for the fields which don't change values. Separately, Original Referrer is a Syst...