Unless operational, your email should not be sent to anyone with Unsubscribe = TRUE. You may also want to check dupes and consider durable unsubscribe. I'd usually recommend to let...
There are no other settings where the programs can appear within the program except Engagement Program - however, you may want to tag Program Status of Child and well as Parent Pro...
Although you can time-stamp transition and use filters available in some areas in date-ranges/time frame etc, you would also want to consider if you want to configure all the work ...
I would like to find a report that shows the activity (opened or clicked) of membersEmail Performance Report can fetch you this. Go to Analytics > Email Performance and define the ...
You can only see the performance metrics of the email - how the email performed, not the audience. The metrics in the report represent performance of Email. E.g. An email had an op...
For people activity, try a Smart List(s), with the constraint of Test Variant, and the filters for activities you'd want to see. Use Dashboard, or Email Performance Report for Emai...
Do apply the filter member of engagement program - not doing so could qualify records from other programs as well.The "ANY/ALL" is redundant for triggers - those are only applicabl...
While you can use "is any" if you are doing this within the transitions rules tab (these apply the mandatory filters by default - member of this program and not a member of stream ...