IssueSometimes email addresses that are CC'd can have emails bounce. This doc describes what to expect in these scenarios.
SolutionSending Emails
To address is valid, cc addressb...
IssueYou receive a page with the error "Cannot get email content" when visiting View as Webpage link in email.
SolutionThe view as webpage link is tied to the original email asset...
SummaryThis article explains why certain Company fields show up on the Person/Lead Object when you do a describe API call to Marketo.
IssueWhen making the Describe call on the Lea...
SummaryBuilding a Smart List or Report for Merge Activities within time frame
IssueYou're looking to have a Smart List or Report built to gather insights on what merges, if any, t...
SummaryIf you're using the Bulk Custom Object Import API to push records to a Marketo custom object (and you're importing separate files that have duplicates across the files) -- t...
IssueYou need to add a second domain for Predictive content.
Environmentpredictive content
SolutionContact Marketo Support to have the domain added, as there is not a method with...
IssueProgram member custom fields are not syncing data to Salesforce campaign member fields even though they are mapped. In this setup, the sync for Campaign Members is being perfo...
SummaryAggregating/summing two score fields
IssueYou have two new score fields (for example: 'Implicit score' and 'explicit score') and you're wondering if there's a way to sum/ag...
SummaryMismatch between "Added to [custom object]" and "Has [custom object]" filters for a SFDC Custom object
IssueYou build a Smart List for "Added to [custom object]" for your S...
SummaryCustomers may face errors referencing Segmentations when importing programs between instances.
IssueProgram import fails giving an error message like the example below:"Mar...