SummaryAdmin unsubscribe HTML is overriding unsubscribe language hard-coded into an email template
IssueYou are trying to add unique unsubscribe text to a specific email asset tem...
IssueWhen trying to reset a user's password under Marketo > Admin > Users & Roles, a popup error appears stating "Single id enabled users cannot have their passwords reset".
IssueYou encounter a "Couldn't connect to host" SFDC sync error.
SolutionThis is a message returned by Salesforce to Marketo indicating that for some time, ...
IssueMy SFDC production instance is undergoing Instance Refresh Maintenance in SFDC. Will this impact the SFDC and Marketo sync?Salesforce Article:Help And Training Community
IssueYou encounter the error "XSRF Protection Mismatch: User does not have access" when trying to access a Marketo instance, or when using the instance switcher to change from 1 in...
IssueA lead shows as being a member of a campaign that had a single flow step of 'Change Data Value'. However, the lead doesn't show in the Results tab of the campaign, nor is the ...
If the user makes changes to the my tokens, snippets, etc during the processing of the an email that is using head start, will those changes be reflected—NoIf someone unsubscribes ...
SummaryFlow step choice condition for "Person was Deleted from SFDC" with 'in past' "7 days" causes campaign failure
IssueThis flow step choice type causes a campaign failure beca...
IssueMy token is not displayed correctly in view as webpage version of email.
EnvironmentIf customers manually type a {{my.token}} and use uppercase M such as {{My.token}}, then t...
IssueEmail won't be approved due to too many custom tokens
SolutionSometimes when approving an email with a large number of of tokens, the following error message will appear: