Recently my company has incorporated our blog onto our website. The next step is to set up a subscription form on our landing pages and emails.My question/discussion to the communi...
Thanks Gregoire, this post has great tips and is very helpful for individuals that are new and those of us that have been around for a while trying to get the hang of things.
Joe,Thanks for sharing your session with us! I was wrapping things up and was sad to miss you speak. Looking forward to reviewing your slides and incorporating tips right away!Look...
Could you not just change the subject of the tasks and then create assignment rules in Salesforce that Changes the assigned team member to follow up based on what your subject is?
Hi there,I recently set up a new engagement nurture stream and am set to launch this week. I have moved all the emails into their respective streams, set my cadence, and activated ...
I have had the privilege to know many influential women in my life. whether it's the ladies I have worked with, women whom I have gathered alongside and watched make a positive dif...
Anyone else having issues the last few days trying to send yourself sample emails? I have to send at least 3 in a row before one will make it to me. the email address is the same e...
This happened to us at the beginning. We had two fields in Salesforce that were labeled as Email. I have to select Email Address on the import field now to make sure the emails pop...