Is it possible to sync the Marketo lead ID to SFDC.We are working with a potential partner that does not have a MKTO integration, but does have an SDFC integration. The partner's p...
Hi Diederik - I'm just starting to look at this, and whilst you've been inundated with requests for this, I kindly ask if you could share with me too.
In my experience it means that Salesforce itself was temporarily unavailable - the sync should pick up and start again when it is. Usually only lasts a few minutes unless there is ...
We define email success as either clicked link or converted (clicked specific link using a constraint) for email campaigns. We use trigger campaigns to listen for delivered, opened...
I am trying to use the same form 2.0 for multiple landing pages. We are not building the landing pages in MKTO due to the responsive design restrictons of the landing page editor.B...
I'm with Michelle on this one, even if you have RCA to measure ROI in Marketo, you're getting a lot of value from using campaigns in SFDC e,g,:
list creation for sales/TM call b...
as an example of what I am currently doing, if the lead clicks a link in an email being used in the engagement program and is a member of that engagement program I am updating the ...
You might guess I am having a few problems finding answers in the documentation. Do I need to set a smart campaign to update the lead program status from member to engaged after an...
that is really useful, thanks, I guessed it was sent but in some of the videos the speaker talks about "the lead has recieved".Follow up question though, in the program, because it...