I wouldn't say it is two sets of programs. It is more that each piece of content has a bucket program to track all downloads and then that content can be used across 5, 10, even 20...
What I have learned over the years is that it becomes really hard and un-scalable to make a new Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, or Google AdWords Program in Marketo for every instance...
Reason #1 You serve up bad leads. No really. They are bad leads and you are wasting your sales team’s time. One of the joys of inbound marketing is that we are attracting prospect...
Contacts can also MQL. I just duplicate the Lead Status field on the contact object and call it "Contact Status." Customers contacts are set to a Contact Status = customer. If a co...
At a previous company where we had a problem with "tire kickers" I did create a smart campaign to add folks who's MQL count reached 10 to the scoring suppression list. That was a s...
As the director of marketing at Fliptop I had the pleasure of being not only the primary user of predictive lead scoring for my demand gen efforts, but I also get to work closely w...
It wasn’t easy. Believe me. And honestly I started with less duplicates than any other company I’ve ever worked for. Coming into Fliptop and getting to basically start the Marketo ...