While "Visited Web Page" allows for both User Agent and Client IP Address to be recorded in activity details, right now "Clicked Link in Email" is limited only to User Agent. Could...
Oh, hey, this is here! I tend to only post super-Marketo-related items on the Champions blog, so for more generalized things like this (and to hear from fabulous folks like Liz Med...
Hi Sonali,https://gist.github.com/cougrimes/5168524fd9365eedea16 supports up to three columns being normalized out for responsive using nth-last-child rather than nth-of-type, whic...
I'm working on a form that does some data manipulation of content sent before it gets stored in Marketo. Part of this is giving users an open text area to write in, but I also want...
Hi Dan,Top labels are usually my preference, but if you're looking to still have side labels for non-mobile views, you simply need to change line 1 of that CSS to.mktoForm, .mktoFo...
Hi Dan,Your label for First Name has a hard width defined against it from the form editor (the same thing, incidentally, is happening on City/Do Not Call Reason which is causing is...
Hi Gavin,First off: as someone who used Quark XPress all the time in her first job, good to see Quark is still going strong!Second, while there aren't any "easy" solutions to this ...