Python's a good general-usage language to know either way, and most data science/AI platforms are going to have some level of support for Python. You may run into some issues where...
Whenever I'm looking for email campaign inspiration, I like to check out Really Good Emails—and in this case, they have a full category dedicated to holiday ecards.
With all due respect: you don't exactly learn a programming language and you're "done." I've been studying HTML, CSS, JS and PHP for at least a decade and the amount of change that...
Hi Robin,This should be possible, but there's a couple of precautions to keep in mind here:The Email Script token for calculating year needs to be as high as possible in your folde...
Hi Charles,I'd need to know a little more detail, but there are few potential issues here:1. If you're looking to add HTML elements on a label for something like a radio button val...
Actually following up on this: asked around in mixed B2B/B2C email marketing and the response was almost universally along the lines of "yes, this works if done extremely sparingly...
Hi Gerard,You're guessing correctly that in this context, it's B2B. In this particular company's case, there's not a lot of personal addresses in the system period, so it's difficu...