Diederik Martens, author of the book “Marketing Automation Untangled", is a frequently asked speaker on what it takes to successfully transform marketing, align with sales, and innovate with marketing technology.
Diederik was awarded the international Killer Content Award for his lead nurture campaign strategy at Quintiq. And he was named Marketo Champion 6 times!
Diederik works on marketing transformation projects for companies, mostly in B2B, such as DHL, Deloitte, Trend Micro, Lely, Essent, Staples, Innogy, BDO, Rockwool, PinkRoccade, Dassault Systèmes, Sungevity, Portbase, Wolf Oil, and many more.
Even though we inform our colleagues, somehow some still fill out a form on someone's behalf or click a link in a forwarded email. I'm thinking about creating a blank landing page ...
Thank you too for clariying. I can imagine Marketo pushing for the API of course.CalcItNow does also have two webhooks. One as stand-alone webhook. The other specifically for Marke...
Hi Sanford,You are right. I don't have data to back up the webhook maximum load. I'm merely quoting what Marketo is saying during their API office hour calls. I just suggested this...
Hi Josh,It is probably due to Marketo's webhooks. They are NOT designed for high volumes (anything over 1000). Marketo strongly discourages webhooks for this. They recommend a ReST...
CalcItNow is completely revamped. It's now the only ReST API native integrated formula suite for Marketo (also works stand-alone). Check it out on Launchpoint: CALCITNOW - Field fo...
Hi Arunkumar,You could use a webhook with some custom script. Please note webhooks are not meant for high volumes. There's only one native ReST integrated formula suite for Marketo...
Hi Jessica,CALCITNOW - Field formula calculations – Marketo LaunchPoint has many functions in its easy formula wizard. One function is the MAX function, which takes the highest inp...
IMPORTANT: webhooks are NOT designed for high usuage, according to Marketo suppor. Use ReST API if you can. The only native ReST API formula suite for Marketo is CALCITNOW - Field ...