Hi Patrick, Also, if you need to sync specific fields between your CRM and Marketo, here are some docs that could be useful to you:SFDC: SFDC Sync: Field Sync - Marketo Docs - Prod...
Hey Everyone, I'm not sure you all received this email over the weekend, but this bug has been resolved. Here's the email I received from Support:Dear Emma,As part of our Q4 releas...
Hey, I agree with you Dan, a little feedback on where the issue stand would have been appreciated. It's just gone, and there is no feedback. I tried running my campaign again last ...
Hi Josh Hill, No, the lead is not synced to CRM Dynamics.For some contacts, they are current clients of ours and already have an account created in our CRM. For these, this should ...
Hey,I've launched a campaign with a flow to sync some leads from Marketo to CRM, however, although for some of them it worked, for most of them I receive the following error in Mar...
Hey, I found where the screenshot above was taken. If you go in the Tab Products & Support and click on Support, on the homepage it shows this update.Here the update that's current...
Thanks Takehiro Masaki for this screenshot. I did not see it anywhere on Marketo Community and did not receive any email letting me know of this issue either. Hopefully it'll be s...