@amyvoigt_PBCwrote:I am a new user of Marketo and don't understand how our nurturing programs are set upDid somebody in your organization give you the task to understand - or even ...
Support said they won't delete hidden fields? I understand that Support refuses to work on fields that have dependencies. But the fact that you were able to hide them means you wer...
I would certainly focus on the question: What are you suffering from and how can you end the pain?Speaking from my experience: Nobody would start a Marketo cleaning process, just b...
Yes, it's never working.And actually it shouldn't matter if the winner or the loser has PMCF values, right? If both have values, the winner's are taken, if just one of them has val...
Hello all!Product Docs say that Program Member Custom Fields (PMCF) are being merged:When you merge two people, the winner’s Program Member custom field data will be used. But if t...
Interesting recommendation. Who is supposed to conduct this refresh? You or Adobe Professional Services?It's certainly good practice to keep your Marketo instance tidy. Archive pro...
What do you mean by "Instance Refresh"? I suppose you mean setting up a new Marketo instance and beginning from scratch?That is usually done when you're forced to do it by outside ...
Where do we create new agents for Dynamic Chat? And do these new agents also have to Marketo users? Or product users of Dynamic Chat in the Adobe Admin Console?
Hey all -I'm a litte confused as to what the situation of AI in DC actually is: Is it already available with the DC Prime Plan? Or is it in Beta or even Alpha?Thanks!