One of the metrics we are looking at is how many meetings campaigns are generating - nurturing campaigns, paid campaigns etc. One of my colleagues is using a Meeting Set lead statu...
We've had this issue before too so I feel your pain. And Devraj is right, long term you want to try and limit these, and funnel them to a form so auto dedupe can take place.There m...
Great questions. Interesting moments is a great use case for this. In your salesforce campaign or marketo program, mark these as Attended, or visited booth, or whichever is more re...
Frank has great points.Just to throw in my two cents, your CRM can store a lot of data that could be helpful for you since you are not storing all your records in Marketo. So of co...
You can do this with a smart list. Put all 40 subscriptions as true for the criteria. And then you can start narrowing down. Now that I think of it, the easiest way would probably ...
Katie Dunn It is probably in the tokens section of the program that contains all the lead scoring campaigns. So click on the suitcase/briefcase and one of the tabs is tokens.