Per Veronica Holmes, Marketo social fields are only really used by the Marketo social apps. If you are seeing no values in any of these fields chances are you are not using Market...
Cleaning up the number of fields on people records, and see Marketo social fields are rarely filled with a value. If I hide these fields, would they continue to collect a value, if...
My team would like to set up communication limits for all marketing emails, without affecting fulfillment newsletter emails. I've read through this community thread, which recommen...
A handful of new leads were automatically system unsubscribed upon list import with the reason "System flow action sysActionChangeDataValue resetLeadEmailStatus" and no attachment ...
Sanford Whiteman, the one link in my email has disabled tracking; however a healthy number of clicks are still tracked in a link performance report. Is the report an accurate repr...
Can we embed a Marketo form on social, Facebook for example? Or would this need to be a sponsored ad through the social network, Facebook lead ad for example?
We recently integrated Oktopost social tracking into Marketo. Upon reviewing the web activity report, a large percentage of webpage visits from Oktopost articles are from anonymous...
Is adding "social form fill" the only way to use the Marketo social fields? If not, what do I need to integrate to begin collecting social info on more leads? I've already reviewe...
Hi Sanford Whiteman, Hate to be a pest, but understand if you don't have time to troubleshoot this with me. I need to stay on schedule with this project, so let me know if you can...