Looking to analyze leads from a specific newsletter mailing list, and see if/how many are interacting with other newsletters or visiting related websites (munchkin code applied). A...
Setting up behavior and demographic scoring, both trigger campaigns. Behavioral will obviously only affect leads taking the action moving forward, but will demographic scores be ap...
Hi Greg,Building an addition campaign around this series to email leads who let subscription expire +30 days. If I build around SC #4 from your above recommendation,SC#4:Smart list...
My annual subscription renewal campaign is set up based on the correct answer in this thread. A customer replied to one of the emails asking to be be taken out of the campaigns. Ho...
Hi Josh, You mentioned don't expect invalid emails to come back to life, but is it possible for invalids to change from TRUE to FALSE? I created a cleanup smart campaign yesterday ...
Sanford Whiteman, would you mind helping me plug in the correct code to this existing embed? <script src="//app-sj11.marketo.com/js/forms2/js/forms2.min.js"></script><form id="mkto...