There is a workaround to using the PMCF in an add choice step, but it requires an additional step.
First, create a local smart list in your program with the filter "Program Member...
Hi Heather,
Having used emails in your previous streams, you'll find the work to rebuild your nurtures somewhat more laborious but it is doable.
Engagement streams will "skip" co...
Depends. Do these fields need to be editable from Marketo?
If yes, place them on the contact.
If no, then you can place them either on the account or the contact (wherever it logis...
I would check with your Salesforce admin.
The Marketo Sync User is subject to the data visibility rules that your Salesforce administrator grants it via the CRM, so there may be an...
+1 this response.
To get replies to the "Person" in the email, you should use the reply address with the Executive's email and use a valid signed email for the "from" sending addre...
The audience tab does have to be manually refreshed - it will display the value that was in the cloned program, but the true audience number, that you must refresh to see, is the c...
Hi Anna,
From my experience with Dynamic Content in emails, I did expect the outcome that you are receiving. Dynamic Content is designed to present different content in an email s...