I'm a web, database, and network architect based in NYC, with specializations in the financial services, publishing, and SaaS sectors.
I build complex Marketo integrations for companies large and small... and can make Marketo forms and emails do things you never thought possible!
Check out my blog at https://blog.teknkl.com, which has Marketo-specific technical insights you won't see anywhere else, along with wider topics from my programming and systems work.
Well, you can't create Interesting Moments directly via API. So that's out. Custom Activities and/or Custom Objects, sure. You need to tell us what platform you're using to get a f...
You could create a series of nested Smart Lists for testing (Smart List 2's first filter isNot Member of Smart List 1,Smart List 3's first two filters areNot Member of Smart List 1...
Do I have to ask for the receiver's email address even if the form was requested from the email?
The mkt_tok takes care of associating the form submission. You do not need the...
None of those. You only work with $License_Group__c inside the loop, otherwise it does not exist in the Velocity context and will be null.
So closest to the 3rd one, but any refer...
If you want Salesforce to be the source of truth for SM surveys, shouldn’t you be using their SFDC integration? Only so much you can do if Marketo is getting first dibs.
There is ...