I'm a web, database, and network architect based in NYC, with specializations in the financial services, publishing, and SaaS sectors.
I build complex Marketo integrations for companies large and small... and can make Marketo forms and emails do things you never thought possible!
Check out my blog at https://blog.teknkl.com, which has Marketo-specific technical insights you won't see anywhere else, along with wider topics from my programming and systems work.
Field values are HTML-encoded in the Lead Detail UI, so you won’t be able to make an active <a> element.
You can create a bookmarklet if you want using the following simple JS (cu...
So my question is how Marketo is sending 18 Email toDummy email (Dummy@dummy.com) and how will marketo treat this in reports
There’s nothing special about that domain. In fact it h...
Is there any problem with trying to re-format the system datetime?
Only the same problem there is trying to access any non-Velocity tokens in Velocity.
You’re using a syntax that ...
Why are you seeking the first item (.get(0)) in the list? What’s special about that item?
In general, you should not be accessing the first item unless you have first sorted the l...
Is there a way to use a similar token that will update the year when I "download HTMLs" also?
The method I posted above will run if you open the downloaded page as well (though not...
(Remember to choose the right board. Dynamic Chat is for Marketo’s Dynamic Chat feature, i.e. not for chatting in general!)
You are correct that from the client side, only deliber...
As for cleaning up the data:
The problem is wider than you’re making it out to be, because every new lead created via the Unsubscribe form isn’t gonna be the same as an old lead w...
Help, new leads are coming in from our Unsubscribe form!
Yep, that happens. When people forward emails to other accounts and click a tracked Marketo link, they may think the pre...
Well certainly if you change the From: address you may meet that domain’s DMARC policy.
But it’s not @Adobe.com, surely. It would be @mkto-nnnn.com perhaps.
This has been discussed a bunch of times.
If you don’t want someone to update the pre-filled email address, simply mark that <input> as readonly or make it hidden.
Prevent yo...