I'm a web, database, and network architect based in NYC, with specializations in the financial services, publishing, and SaaS sectors.
I build complex Marketo integrations for companies large and small... and can make Marketo forms and emails do things you never thought possible!
Check out my blog at https://blog.teknkl.com, which has Marketo-specific technical insights you won't see anywhere else, along with wider topics from my programming and systems work.
A good question from a reader today who asks, “My client claims you can't have a From: or Reply-To: domain that's exactly the same as your click tracking domain (what Marketo calls...
Yes, there is a small probability that the 5 character code could be repeatedI actually wasn't going to say anything about entropy! But I was going to wonder why you don't save the...
Newbie Q: “Where do I click to see X?”
Oldie A: “You don't.”
— the least happy type of Community thread
New users may search in vain for a log of all Filled Out Form events plus...
A pesky problem with Munchkin is that you can't selectively turn it off based on visitor characteristics. You can choose Disable Munchkin Tracking on Marketo LPs, but that's for ev...
Little-known — and therefore little-hated! — this bug applies only to Marketo’s email-specific Velocity setup, and not to the language in general. If you mentioned it to someone wh...
The fieldMap is an array (that was on purpose!).It's an array of objects with the same structure:[ { marketo: 'Email', custom: '#email' }, { marketo: 'FirstName', custom: '#firstna...
You have the event flow inverted from the way I would do it. Here's a working adaptation of your code:http://codepen.io/figureone/pen/7e7040151d6e8c8bf65909fdc8fc52c4/
The idea is for Snippets posts to be code-centric as opposed to blather-centric. Copypasta with minimal commentary… let's see how it goes!ArrayLists in briefAs you advance with Vel...
Definitely not a Rich Text token. What is a sample final URL in the email output? Is it being rewritten to bounce off your tracking domain or not? It should be very clear one way o...
A curiously downplayed (and as yet unfixed) bug was introduced during a Marketo upgrade sometime in the past couple of weeks. Depending on the scope of your business, it can have ...