If a lead is in Marketo with first name, last name and company name (no email address), is it considered known? Can it also have program statuses and have its opportunity data sync...
Harvey we have this problem as well. We currently use original referrer and original source info together to set acquisition programs. URLs containing "aclk" are for Google text ad...
I'm having a lot of trouble understanding the exact definition of Pipeline Generated (MT). I thought it meant ALL opportunities (Closed, not closed, won, lost) that were created af...
I came across a form on a Marketo Webinar page (link below) that automatically suggests company names in their database whenever the form is filled out. This would be an awesome to...
I'd like to add a custom field called Dispatch Status to the existing Marketo opportunity object. Is there a way for me to do this from my Marketo instance without having to invest...
Hi Cathal,Yes, I want to use the field to make RTP segments. Is this field already in RTP or does my rep need to add it? If so, I'd rather get the API names so I don't have to make...
Hey all,We're implementing RTP and want to sync over the "Has Opportunity" field. I couldn't find this exact wording in the Admin > Field Management tab, does anyone know what its ...
We're trying to use Email Scripts for the first time and are running into some difficulties. We're trying to use this for an shipping info request email, which would run as a batch...
In the Program Analyzer, we are able to see Revenue Won, Pipeline Generated, etc. but how can we see the actual number of opportunities won/generated? We could search for these num...
What is the difference between the Amount and Revenue Expected fields in the opportunity tab? We are finalizing our integration with our CRM and see that the amount is almost alway...