Brandon Dahl where do you get the campaign ID from? I'm also trying to use the Context API to prevent users from seeing the same campaigns over and over every time they visit our ...
Hello everyone,I have a best practice question about coding images in emails. My previous manager taught me to keep image file sizes at 50kb or lower per image to account for leads...
Follow up question to this: will it show up in MT attribution if the operational program acquired the lead? More specifically, we're referring to an operational program that captur...
I share these concerns. The advanced image editor is also gone, which allowed me to add inline CSS and links in images. I now have to go in to the code to do those things now that ...
There are no duplicate opps in our CRM so Marketo is showing duplicates in the opportunity object view instead of updating the existing ones. They have confirmed it's an issue on t...
Thanks for the quick response! The reason I was asking is that Marketo Support is telling me there are other reasons for a lead to receive MT Pipeline and I didn't think that was c...
Does a lead need to have a Success in a program for it to show up in MT attribution? I was under the impression that you needed to either be the acquisition program or have success...
Marketo's "Leads by Month" report is showing a different number than the "New Leads" chart in Marketing Activities. What is causing this difference? It's only about 20-30 names dif...