Hello Community,I am hoping to reach out to@SanfordWhiteman to firstly say thank you for your endless support and contribution here. Its invaluable for me as a Marketo novice user....
Hi Dave,Thank you for your reply.1. Mobile sized view2. The image and text is in the same module. The button and divider are separate modules.3. Yes the image is placed in a text m...
Hello Community,We are seeing an error in how an email is displayed, most specifically when viewing the email in Gmail.Viewing the email in outlook does not display the error and d...
Hello Community,I'm seeking guidance regarding theGoogle/Yahoo Spam Protection changes coming into play Feb 2024, in particular, I'm reviewing the requirements for 'senders whom se...
Hello Community,
I have a PDF file hosted in design studio that is being used in an email program. The email broadcast has already started broadcasting.
If I replaced the PDF fil...
Hello Community,
I am seeking advise to see if its possible to display smart list results in a salesforce dashboard or whether this could only be archived via a 3rd party provider...
I have created a new form and enabled reCAPTCHA v3.
When I add the said form to a Marketo landing page, the reCAPTCHA display text spills over the edge of form.
Please see attached...