I gotta say I miss the help articles from the old community. Clear, concise explainer documents seem harder to find now.It would be super helpful if someone could clarify RCA, RCM,...
If it's the same email address, then it shouldn't create a new lead. For customer-facing emails, you could try including the "SFDC Type is contact" filter; likewise, use "SFDC Type...
Susan, wouldn't unsubscribing that distribution list unsubscribe everyone on it, though? (Assuming your instance dedupes only off email address). Does this person have any email ad...
Send yourself a sample email. Look at it in different email clients (Outlook, gmail, yahoo, etc.). Send it to a co-worker. if the image is not appearing in all those situations, th...
Yeah, no worries. The link in the email was www.landesk.com/support/programs. It cuts off programs when put in a browser, going to the main support page. But I found that if you pu...
We sent an email with link www.domain.com/page1/page2. The page2 is old, so when this URL is typed into a browser, you get redirected to www.domain.com/page1. However, when www.dom...
Thanks, Hussam! Yes, this is helpful.In regards to your first point, having a rep send an email through Outlook or Gmail is up to them and their sales managers. Marketo emails fall...
I have a pre-sales team that is becoming more eager and interested in using the Marketo Sales Insight tool from SFDC. While I want to empower this team to be successful, I also wan...
I did find a nice blog entry that was written recently about linking .ics files to images rather than text: https://nation.marketo.com/blogs/marketowhisperer/2015/06/03/use-an-imag...