Is it possible to use an existing Smart List as the "Smart List" when creating a new Report? It seems inefficient to have to recreate the Smart List in the Report setup if such alr...
Agree on the opt-in stance and not being bundled with other actions. In previous readings regarding anti-spam policies, particularly in Germany, this has been in place. Opting in t...
Hi all - I'm baffled. My bullets aren't rendering correctly in my email. It's fine when I'm in the editor, but then when looking at the email, still in draft, the bullets aren't in...
How fast can content be personalized for users on our site if we're using the Real-Time Personaliztion product (RTP)?The definition for a Segment, per the ?/help icon in the Segmen...
Jeff Foster - Thanks.The links all appear to be Email related. While Email is a large chunk of what many probably use Marketo for, I don't think this is a comprehensive list of li...
Unable to find information in the product docs about "split choices" other than a single reference in Understanding Split Campaigns.Closest reference relates to split tests, A/B t...
In the MCE Pre Slid Guide Feb282017, the new training, there are a few slides that contain links to Additional Study Aids. Does anyone have a document where the links work? The PDF...