Try the Program Revenue Stage Analysis report in RCE and filter by channel. Drag in the "Program Name" filter in the Rows section and "Stage" in the Columns section. This works for...
Greg's suggestions are great. Also, if the lead purchases a different item than the one he/she "abandoned," but not that product, does that impact how you want to interact with the...
There may be a better way than this, but you could create a smart campaign with the following:Smart list - Member of Smart List, List = Possible Duplicates Blacklist = False (this ...
Thanks! That's what we had originally tried to do, but we ended up with a lot of leads who were unable to see the form, unfortunately. Thank you all for your help. Maybe one day th...
Hi team,My apologies if there's already a topic for this. I didn't really know what to search for. I have a form that will be on a page that will only be sent out to existing leads...
Hi team,I know there are a few discussions out there about this already, but they're all old and I'd like some fresh insight. In RCM, under each stage there's the option to "Start ...
The thing about segmentations is that segments are mutually exclusive. If you want to use a snippet, it will reflect the highest-prioritized segment. You could potentially create a...