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Your CSV exports with special characters (like foreign languages) may look funny when you open them in Excel.  This is due to a known problem in Excel; it does not correctly handle those characters if you open the CSV directly. First, try these instructions to export your CSV file in Excel 2007 format: Export a list If that export is formatted incorrectly, try the following: Create a new Excel spreadsheet Open the Import External Data feature: in Excel 2003 or earlier. open the Data menu, pick Import External Data, then pick Import Data in Excel 2007, open the Data tab and pick From Text Pick the file you want to import.  The data import wizard will open In the dialog, select Delimited, then under File Origin pick "Unicode (UTF-8)" then click Next Select Comma and uncheck the other options. Click Next. Click Finish Follow the remaining steps and place the imported data in your spreadsheet Your data should now look correct.
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If you want to put a Marketo form your own website but would like to keep progressive profiling and prefill, this solution is for you. Note These instructions apply to Forms 1.0 only.  These will not work in Forms 2.0. Learn how to: Create a Form Create a Landing Page Add Your Form to Your Landing Page Add The Iframe to Your Web Site Create a Form 1.1   Create a Marketo form with all the fields you would like to have on your page, see Create a Basic Form for details. Create a Landing Page 2.1   Create a Marketo landing page using the blank template, see Create a Landing Page for details. Add Your Form to Your Landing Page 3.1   Add the form you created above to the landing page, see Add a form to a Landing Page for details. 3.2   Select your form in the landing page editor. 3.3   Set Top and Left to 0 in the Property Sheet. 3.4   Drag the corner of the form box out ever so slightly (just a few pixels). 3.5   Now write down the height and width from the Property Sheet, you will use these values later for your iframe. Reminder Approve the landing page. Add The Iframe to Your Web Site 4.1   Update the URL in the code below with the URL of the approved landing page that has your form on it as well as the height and width. <iframe src="" width="289" height="192" frameborder=”0”></iframe> 4.2  Add the code to your website and it should start working immediately.
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By default, required fields on Marketo forms show a red asterisk to indicate that they're required. Here's how you can remove or change it.   Please ensure that you have access to an experienced Web developer. Marketo Technical Support is not set up to assist with troubleshooting code. Removing the asterisk The following CSS will remove the asterisk from your code. You can add this to one landing page by dragging in a Custom HTML element and pasting this in, or you can add it to your landing page template so it affects all your forms. <style type="text/css">   form.lpeRegForm li.mktFormReq label {     background: none !important;   } </style >   Changing the asterisk To change the required symbol, you need an image that you'd like to display instead of the asterisk. It needs to be 16x16px, and ideally you should make the background transparent. Create that image, then upload it to Marketo. Get the URL for that image, then add this CSS to your landing pages: <style type="text/css">   form.lpeRegForm li.mktFormReq label {     background:url('[image URL goes here]') no-repeat scroll right 0 transparent;   } </style>
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Issue: I am looking for the ID to one of my campaigns for a SOAP API project I am working on. Solution: The ID can be found in the URL of the campaign. 1.1 Log into Marketo, under Marketing Activities, find and select the campaign in question. This is a article attached image 1.2 The URL to the campaign will look something like: This is a article attached image   The Campaign ID is between "SC" and "A", in the above example it's "1150". This is a article attached image  
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Question: My campaign seems to be delayed, what is going on? Answer: You may have multiple campaigns running and some of them are queued. You can use the Campaign Queue to get an overview of all running and queued campaigns in your instance of Marketo. If there is a campaign backlog you can check the priority of the delayed campaigns and the campaigns at the front of the campaign queue. High priority campaigns will always move to the front of the line, followed by medium priority and low priority campaigns. If there are too many high priority or medium priority campaigns running then you may see a longer delay with low priority campaigns since they will always move to the back of the queue. You may want to consider overriding the campaign priority of non urgent campaigns that are set to high priority to reduce the priority and make room for lower priority campaigns to run. It is not recommended to set a large number of campaigns to high priority as this does not improve the processing time of the campaigns, only the order in which they are run.      
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Distributing leads to sales reps is easy.  Marketo, however, only supports random distribution.  This gives a pretty good approximation of the round robin technique.   Prerequisites: Create A New Program Create A Child Campaign      1. Go to the Smart List tab of the campaign you created, find and drag in the Lead is Created trigger. Tip: Use the trigger that logically would come right before you want to assign the lead to a rep. This is a article attached image        2. I've added the constraint "SFDC Type is empty" so that records that already exist in Salesforce do not get re-assigned.          3. Go to the Flow tab, find and drag in the Change Owner flow step.      4. If you have 3 lead owners click on the Add Choice button 2 times.  You always want the number of choices to equal the number of owners in the round robin minus one. This is because the last person goes in the Default slot.      5. Find and select Random Sample.      6. 100% divided by 3 sales reps is 33%, enter "33".      7. Find and select the first sales rep.      8. Repeat steps 4, 5 and 6 for every remaining choice. Be sure to fill out the default choice also. This is a article attached image        9. Activate the campaign and it should now distribute leads randomly to your lead owners.
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Issue Change SFDC Campaign Status, Add to SFDC Campaign, and Sync Lead to SFDC Campaign flow steps are skipped/failed when the SFDC Campaign is synced with a Marketo Program.     Solution When the Marketo Program is synced with the SFDC Campaign, Marketo Program Membership will automatically sync over status updates to Salesforce. This automatic process overrides the all SFDC Campaign-related and Sync-related flow steps and will cause them to be skipped/fail in Smart Campaigns.      
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In some cases, you may want an iframed Marketo form to open in the parent page.   Note: Please ensure that you have access to an experienced JavaScript developer. Marketo Technical Support is not set up to assist with troubleshooting JavaScript. Is this article helpful ? YesNo FORMS 1.0 Add the following script to the src iframed page within a custom HTML block. <script type="text/javascript" src="/js/public/jquery-latest.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript">      // set no conflict mode for jquery    var $jQ = jQuery.noConflict();    $jQ(document).ready(function(){        // all form submits will open in a new window      $jQ('.lpeRegForm').attr('target','_top');    }); </script>   FORMS 2.0   <script > MktoForms2.whenReady(function (form) {     var form = MktoForms2.getForm(FORM_ID_HERE);     form.onSuccess(function (values, followUpUrl)     { = followUpUrl; return false;     }); }); </script> To figure out what the form id is, the easiest way is to look at the embed code. It is the 4 digit number on the second line.
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Some fields in Marketo are read-only. It is not editable by completing forms. Change Data Value flow steps, on the lead detail page, or list imports. Here is a list of many of those fields: SFDC lead fields Lead Owner First Name Lead Owner Last Name Lead Owner Email Address Lead Owner Phone Number Lead Owner Job Title SFDC Campaigns SFDC Type SFDC Opportunity fields Number of Opportunities Total Opportunity Amount Total Opportunity Expected Revenue Other built-in and custom opportunity fields SFDC Account fields SFDC Accounts are not editable from Marketo Marketo lead management system fields Anonymous IP Black Listed Cause Created Date Deleted In Sales Do Not Call Cause Email Suspended Email Suspended At Email Suspended Cause Full Name Inferred City Inferred Company Inferred Country Inferred Metropolitan Area Inferred Phone Area Code Inferred Postal Code Inferred State Region Is Anonymous Lead Partition Revenue Cycle Model Lead Revenue Stage Marketing Suspended Cause Original Referrer Original Search Engine Original Search Phrase Original Source Info Original Source Type Parent Company Name Registration Source Info Registration Source Type Unsubscribed Cause Updated Sales Insight system fields Last Interesting Moment Date Last Interesting Moment Desc Last Interesting Moment Source Last Interesting Moment Type Priority Relative Score Relative Urgency Urgency Salesforce custom objects SFDC custom objects are all read only
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  Welcome to Marketo Support This guide provides individual links that covers the following topics: Marketo Support Policies Service Level Agreement How to Contact Marketo Support How to Submit a Case Tips on Effective Case Submission Managing Authorized Support Contacts (Support Admins) Managing Your Cases How to Escalate    
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A tagging campaign is designed to entice your leads to click your emails.  Once they do that, you can track their future web activities.  You can also use it to scrub your mailing lists of leads who don't want to receive your marketing material. The hardest part is coming up with an offer that encourages them to click your email. What's in a tagging campaign? At a high level, you'll need: An email offering a prize for people who click Include a link to unsubscribe people to clean out your DB A thank you landing page for people who click through A smart campaign to send the emails mailing A smart campaign to handle the unsubscribe clicks   As leads click through the email, they get cookied so that all their subsequent web activity is tracked (whether they enter or unsubscribe).  Include the unsubscribe link so you can get uninterested leads off your mailing lists. The campaign is quick to set up, fun for your recipients, and great for you to identify anonymous leads. Pick a hook First, choose an offer that will compel people to click a link in your email.  Some examples of offers that get high click-through rates include: Prize Only Example: "Hi, we are giving away a free iPod.  Click here to enter to win!..." Charitable donation Example: "We'll donate $1 to Habitat for Humanity for each recipient who clicks this link." Cleaning up DB Example: "Hi, we are cleaning up our DB.  If you want to receive updates from us, click here.  Otherwise, click no thanks."  (Either one they click is a cookied customer)   Best Practice: It is more important to have a cookied customer than one who is subscribed to receive marketing emails. Create the assets You'll need to create and approve a few Design Studio items to make this work: Email: use the hook you picked in the first step Landing Page: a Thank You page relevant to your offer Prize: "Thank you for entering!" -- you don't even need an entry form! Cleaning up DB: One for, "thanks for your continued support." Another for, "we'll unsubscribe you immediately." Create the campaign(s) Pick any segment of your lead database to receive the email. Send Email Smart List: (pick any DB s segment) Flow: Send Email -- [your  email] You may need some other campaigns to handle your prize and unsubscription clicks.  For example: Prize -- create a static list called "Prize Entries" Smart List: Trigger on "Clicks link in email -- [your email]" constraint on Entry Link Flow: Add to List -- Prize Entries Cleaning up DB Smart List: Trigger on "Clicks link in email -- [your email]" constraint on Unsubscribe Link Flow: Change Data Value: Unsubscribed is True   That's all you need to do in Marketo. A week or two later, if you're giving away a prize, use the Random Sample filter to dig up a lead to receive the prize. Is this article helpful ? YesNo
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The only reason why you should ever completely remove the unsubscribe content from the “Admin -> Email” area is because you are choosing to build the unsubscribe link into the Email Templates themselves. The text box has validation which does not allow you to save with no content, you can get around it by adding a small HTML comment, the HTML comment will not show up in the Email Client as it is rendering the Email in HTML and the comments are omitted. Here is how to do it: Go to Admin and click on Email. Select all the text and hit the delete key on your keyboard. Before deleting, copy/paste into notepad as a backup. Type in <!--This is a comment -->. Click Save Changes. For the Unsubscribe Text you have to add a single character, use a dash or a period.
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Follow these steps to create a lead performance report with mobile platform (iOS/Android) columns: Learn how to: Create Mobile Smart Lists Create a Lead Performance Report Add Mobile Smart Lists as Columns Create Mobile Smart Lists 1.1   Under Marketing Activities, select a program. 1.2   Under New, click New Local Asset. 1.3   Click Smart List. 1.4   Enter a Name and click CREATE. 1.5   Find and drag the Opened Email filter into the canvas. 1.6   Set Email to is any. 1.7   Add the Platform constraint. We used the Opened Email filter in this example, you can also use the Clicked Email filter as it has the Platform constraint. Is this article helpful ? YesNo   1.8   Set Platform to iOS.   At least one lead must have opened one of your emails on an iOS device in order for the autosuggest to find it. If it does not, you can manually type it in and save.
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Issue How days are calculated in Wait flow steps and Smart List time-frames.     Solution Marketo considers a "day" in a Wait step or a Smart List timeframe to be 24 hours, not a calendar day.  So if a Smart Campaign hits a 1-day Wait flow step at 9:30am, it will wait until 9:30am the following day.  If a Smart List filter has a look-back timeframe of 7 days, it is specifically looking back seven 24-hour periods.  
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If the user makes changes to the my tokens, snippets, etc during the processing of the an email that is using head start, will those changes be reflected—No If someone unsubscribes during the processing of the an email that is using head start, will they receive the email—Yes Can you cancel a head start program once the processing of the an email that is using head start has begun—Yes What happens to the processing data when someone cancels a program during the processing of the an email that is using head start—It is deleted (I.e. Program membership, etc.)  
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Issue Email won't be approved due to too many custom tokens Solution Sometimes when approving an email with a large number of of tokens, the following error message will appear: 'The number of custom tokens in the email exceeds the limit '   This is a article attached image   This means that you have too many custom tokens in the email and that if you wish to approve the email, you will need to remove one or more of your custom tokens in the email.    Its important to note that this only applies to custom tokens, which are tokens based on a custom field in Marketo.  This means that while you will be allowed to add more of the standard tokens to the email and approve it, you will not be allowed to go beyond the 40 custom token limit we have in place for the non-standard tokens. Here you will find all the standard tokens in Marketo
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Summary Building a Smart List or Report for Merge Activities within time frame Issue You're looking to have a Smart List or Report built to gather insights on what merges, if any, took place within your database over a given time frame. Environment Marketo Smart List Reporting/Analytics Database API Solution Marketo doesn't have native capabilities to report on Merge activities that take place within your database, either via Smart List filters or within the Analytics section of Marketo. This is due to the activity type surrounding the merging of leads, Merge Leads, not being an attribute available for filters or reporting. The only way to go about getting a sort of list or report of the various merges that took place is to utilize the self-service Bulk Activity API endpoint and filter/specify the desired timeframe that you're wanting to look at. Please partner/consult with your Developer to go about building the job necessary to accommodate this. Below are two resources available on our Marketo Developer site to assist and offer guidance as needed. Resource(s): Bulk Activity Extract documentation Bulk Activity Extract endpoint reference(s) Root Cause Marketo doesn't offer the ability to filter off the Activity Type of Merge Leads.
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Issue You receive the error message of "exceeded limit" for Program Member Custom Fields (the documented limit is 20), but you don't see 20 fields listed in the Admin > Field Management > Program Program Member Info area.   Root Cause There may be Program Member Custom Fields in your Marketo instance that are hidden. These hidden fields still count toward your limit of 20.  As next steps, in Admin > Field Management, review the Hidden Fields area to find the hidden Program Member Custom Fields, and un-hide them. After un-hiding them, they will appear under Admin > Field Management > Program Program Member Info. To resolve the "exceeded limit" error, unused fields should be deleted. Reach out to Marketo Support to delete Program Member Custom Fields.
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Issue The SFDC sync error "Unable to process due to no XML response from Salesforce" or "No XML Document Error" appears. Root Cause This error means Marketo received an invalid XML response returned by SFDC. Most often, this is a transient error from SFDC and resolves on its own in the next sync cycles.  If the error persists or is continually blocking your sync, please reach out to Marketo Support.
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Issue Delay in SFDC Sync causes email to be sent with unpopulated tokens Wait steps in campaign designed to prevent race conditions are sometimes not long enough for the SFDC Sync to complete Wait steps cause delay in customer receiving their email after filling out for - bad user experience Environment Smart Campaign triggers off form fill and flow step syncs Person record to Salesforce  Info from SFDC sync is used to populate tokens in email Campaign uses Wait steps to hold email send until sync is finished Solution Split the Smart Campaign into two campaigns The first campaign runs the sync activities, but does not send email The second campaign triggers off of the Data Value Changes resulting from the sync and sends the email with the email tokens populated
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