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Here are directions for changing a one column form into a multi-column form. Set up your form To create a two column form, first you need to make some changes to the form that you're using.  First, you need to reorder your form fields.  The (visible) fields get divided into two columns by odds and evens -- odds in the first column and evens in the second column. If you want to arrange your fields like this: First Name Company Name Last Name Phone Number Email Address Then you need to order your form like this: First Name Company Name Last Name Phone Number Email Address Please ensure that you have access to an experienced JavaScript developer. Marketo Technical Support is not set up to assist with troubleshooting JavaScript. Also while you're on the form, note the values for Label Width, Field Width, and Gutter Width in the Form Properties: Set up your landing page On your landing page, add the form to that page (if you haven't added it already).  Make sure you leave enough space on the page so that the form looks correct once it's laid out in two columns.  The two column form will take half the height and twice the width of the single column form. Next, drag in a Custom HTML box and add the following code.  It does two things: rearranges your form into two columns and (via Javascript) corrects the tab order of the form fields. In the code below, you need to change the column width and form width to match your form.  You'll need the Label Width, Field Width, and Gutter Width from your form which you wrote down earlier: Column width (300px below) must be at least (Label Width + Field Width + Gutter Width + 46) Form width (700px below) must be at least (2 * Column width) <style type='text/css'> form.lpeRegForm li.mktField { float: left; width:300px; clear: none; height: 26px; } form.lpeRegForm ul { width:700px; } #mktFrmButtons { clear: both; } </style> Moving the error messages Depending on how you set up your form, the error messages that appear on each field may be in the wrong position. Use this CSS to move the error messages below the field. You may need to tweak the left or top amounts until it appears correct on your form. <style type="text/css"> span.mktFormMsg { left: 0px !important; top: 15px !important; } </style> Changing the tab order For a vertical tab order (as opposed to horizontal), add this javascript in that same Custom HTML block: <script src="/js/public/jquery-latest.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> var $jQ = jQuery.noConflict(); $jQ(document).ready(function() { // fix the tab order $jQ('.mktInput :input').each(function(i) { if (i % 2) { $jQ(this).attr('tabIndex',30000+i); } else { $jQ(this).attr('tabIndex',i+1); } }); }); </script> That's all!  After you add that code, you should see that the form now is laid out in two columns: Adding section breaks To add multiple sections in your form, you need to know the IDs of the fields immediately before and after the break.  See this article for instructions on getting the field IDs: Setting or Getting a Form Field Value via Javascript on a Landing Page In this case, we'll add a break between email address ("#Email") and company name ("#Company").  Add this inside the $jQ(document).ready() javascript block: $jQ('#Company').parents('li').css('clear','both'); $jQ('#Email').parents('li').css('margin-bottom','20px'); When done, it will look like this. This section break may mess up your tab order.  Delete the javascript block that assigns the tab order ($jQ('.mktInput :input').each(...)) and use jQuery to assign them manually, It tabs in ascending order: $jQ('#FirstName').attr('tabIndex',1); $jQ('#Email').attr('tabIndex',2); $jQ('#LastName').attr('tabIndex',3); ... Download Attachments: Two column forms-JS.txt
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It's easy to add multiple images and files all at once. 1. Go to the Design Studio area. 2. Under New click Upload Image or File. 3. Select the folder where you want to store the images or files, then click Browse. The maximum size per file is 50MB 4. To add multiple images and files, browse to the correct folder on your computer, hold down Ctrl/Cmd and click on each file you want to add, and click Open 5. Expand the File Details to verify you selected the correct images, then click Upload. To remove any queued files before upload, click the x next to the file name. Marketo will scan all files before uploading; infected files will be skipped. 6. When the upload completes, click FINISH. 7. Your images are now available to use in campaign emails and landing pages. Good job; you've advanced to image guru! What's Next: Organize Images and Files Using Folders
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My Salesforce activities are not showing up in Marketo and when I go to the Admin section I see the following sync error:   soqlBatchQuery failed - INVALID_FIELD: CreatedDate, Description, Id, IsAllDayEvent, IsDeleted, OwnerId ^ ERROR at Row:1:Column:70 No such column 'IsAllDayEvent' on entity 'Event'. If you are attempting to use a custom field, be sure to append the '__c' after the custom field name. Please reference your WSDL or the describe call for the appropriate names. This is due to lack of permissions for the Marketo Sync User on the Salesforce side. Please have your Salesforce Administrator log into your instance of Salesforce and carry out the following steps: Log into Salesforce with Admin rights Click on your name drop-down and click on Setup In the left hand column, under App Setup, click on Customize Then click on Activities and then Event Fields Click on the All Day Event Field Label then "Set Field-Level Security" Here make sure to check the box under the Visible column for the Profile that the Marketo Sync User is associated to Click Save Once the above changes have been made on next sync we will begin pulling your Salesforce activities and once the next sync is over, the error message in the Marketo Admin section should go away. Is this article helpful ? YesNo
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Issue Description Why does some emails do not appear as an 'Email Filter' option in an Email/Email Link Performance Report?   Issue Resolution The reason why some emails do not appear as an 'Email Filter' option in an Email/Email Link Performance report is because the emails were used in an A/B test. Similar to the product behaviour illustrated below, when adding an A/B test, the selected email will not be directly selectable or appear as an Email Filter option in an Email/Email Link Performance report.   "When adding an A/B test, the selected email will no longer be available for use in any other program."   In order to report on the A/B test emails that do not appear in the Email Filter option, the parent program can be selected. Is this article helpful ? YesNo
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Issue: With long options in a select (dropdown) list, Internet Explorer will not expand the values as Firefox, Chrome and other browsers will do. This makes reading the values in the dropdowns impossible.   Solution: Insert the following Javascript/CSS in a Custom HTML box on your landing page. This script will only run if IE is used.   <script src="/js/public/jquery-latest.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> var $ = jQuery.noconflict();     $(document).ready(function() {   if ($.browser.msie) {   $('select.mktFormSelect')   .bind('focus mouseover', function() {   $(this).addClass('expand').removeClass('clicked');   $(this).parents('li').addClass('liexpand'); })   .bind('click', function() { $(this).toggleClass('clicked'); })   .bind('mouseout', function() { if (!$(this).hasClass('clicked')) {   $(this).removeClass('expand');   $(this).parents('li').removeClass('liexpand'); }})   .bind('blur', function() {   $(this).removeClass('expand clicked');   $(this).parents('li').removeClass('liexpand'); });   }   }); </script>     <style type="text/css">   select.expand { width: auto !important; position: absolute; } li.liexpand { padding-bottom: 22px !important; padding-bottom: 9px !important\9; } *+html li.liexpand { padding-bottom: 9px !important; } </style>   Is this article helpful ? YesNo
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Issue Description What happens when you enable "Send all Tout emails in my team through this server connection" within the SMTP Server settings on Issue Resolution When you select "Send all Tout emails in my team through this server connection" within the Tout admin panel, this will provide the option to all standard users to either choose to use the ToutApp Email Servers or your company's own Email servers. If you decide to share the SMTP Settings with the team, t is recommended that you have your IT team setup a dedicated STMP/Email account to use as the Custom SMTP Credentials. Note: Each user can choose to either use the Tout servers or the configured & shared SMTP server. It is not applied automatically to all users.
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Marketo has developed email templates that have been tested in over 40 email clients.  It is important to ensure that your emails will look good no matter where you send them.  Additionally, these emails have been crafted to reduce spam scores and increase deliverability. Feel free to use these templates.  They have all the markup you need to get started right away. Curved Paper Curved Paper with Sidebar Round Corners Round Corners with Sidebar To customize the style: Copy the email template to any text editor. Replace #312B7B with your corporate color.  Download TrayColor if you need a tool to get the color from your website. Replace the Logo with your own logo (search for "logo" in the source).  If you upload an image to Marketo for this purpose, make sure to use the full URL. Replace the Title at the top Replace the Contact Info in the footer at the bottom Optional -- change the sidebar width (search for "250px")* Paste back into the Marketo Email Template and Preview.  Everything should be ready to go. *The Curved Paper with Sidebar will not render correctly if you change the sidebar width.
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Looking for the web address (URL) of an image or file you uploaded? Marketo's got you covered. 1. Go to the Design Studio area. 2. Click on Images and Files in the left menu and then click on the name of the file you want the URL to. 3. The URL is displayed on the details page. Right-click on the URL and click Copy​ in the menu that appears. You can also copy the URL by highlighting it with your mouse and copying it Give yourself a pat on the back for a job well done! What's Next: Replace an Image or File
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We manage our network to provide our customers with the highest server availability and best deliverability possible.  Marketo Engage has a strong anti-spam policy and a team that handles blocklist notifications in our IP space and spam complaints.  We also cooperate with most major anti-spam providers and ISPs.  In addition, we maintain feedback loops (FBL) for many of the most popular email providers.  For more information on FBLs and ISPs with whom we have this arrangement, click here. Blocklistings are usually caused by sending mail to a spam trap email address.  For an explanation on what causes blocklisting, click here. When we receive notification of a blocklisting, we react in two ways.  First, we go through the procedures to remove the listing from that blocklist as soon as possible.  Second, we determine (if possible) which of our customers caused the blocklisting and work with them to improve their mailing lists to prevent a reoccurrence in the future.  This is usually a cooperative process, most frequently, a review of mailing policies and strategic pruning of a customer’s lead database will return them to best practices.   Blocklists: Frequently Asked Questions   Is this article helpful ? YesNo  
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Issue Description If the text is removed from the "Unsubscribe" text at the Admin level, will this immediately apply to every email in Marketing Activities or, will Marketo ask you to re-approve each email once this "Unsubscribe" text has officially been removed? Issue Resolution Title - Remove Unsubscribe Text From the"Admin - If you remove the text at the Admin level (as per the documentation), this will immediately apply to all emails created (including: active, inactive). You are not required to re-approve your previously approved emails once this change has been saved in the Admin -> Email settings. All pre-existing emails will replace the default "Unsubscribe" text at the bottom of all emails, after changes have been saved in Admin -> Email settings.  After removing the default "Unsubscribe" text from emails, you should replace it with a Custom Unsubscribe option.  This is in order to remain compliant with the Can-Spam Act.
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Issue Search engines index all pages, but you want to exclude some pages from the index and allow others.     Solution To prevent most search engine web crawlers from indexing a page on your site, place the following meta tag into the <head> section of your page (copy the bolded print): <meta name="robots" content="noindex">   To prevent only Google web crawlers from indexing a page: <meta name="googlebot" content="noindex">   You can also add the following after the content="noindex to stop links from being crawled on a page: , nofollow" Example use: <META NAME="ROBOTS" CONTENT="NOINDEX, NOFOLLOW"> Using "nofollow" means the crawler will not crawl the links on the page while the "noindex" will only block the page from being indexed.   Within Marketo this can be applied on a template basis and then on any pages using said template will not be indexed. You can also ask support to set your Images and Files Directory in Design Studio to not be indexed so documents such as whitepapers will not show up in search engine results.    
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If you tried to Verify the Setup and Configuration of Marketo Sales Insight via the Sales Insight tab in the Admin section of Marketo Lead Management, and the MSI Status wasConfiguration Problem, a configuration error in your Marketo Sales Insight setup was detected, meaning that one or more of the required fields/objects for synchronization were not properly configured in Salesforce. Click the Configuration Problem link to launch the Salesforce Configuration Problem dialog box, which displays the detected errors. Sample Error Dialog Box: The system verifies the configuration of the following eight check points in Salesforce: Lead Score Field (Lead) Lead Score Field (Contact) Relative Score Field (Lead) Relative Score Field (Contact) Relative Urgency Field (Lead) Relative Urgency Field (Contact) Priority Score Field (Lead) Priority Score Field (Contact) The error message displays the fields/objects that are causing errors during sync between Marketo and Salesforce. The goal of this article is to repair these configuration problems and ensure that the proper permissions are set to read and write to these fields/objects during sync. Refer to one of the sections below to repair these errors in Salesforce Professional Edition or in Salesforce Enterprise or Unlimited Edition. How to Repair Configuration Problems in Salesforce Professional Edition To repair configuration problems in Salesforce Professional Edition: Log in to the Salesforce as an Admin. Within Salesforce, add the fields noted in the error message to the required Lead and/or Contact layouts to repair the error. Open the Fields section at the top of the Layout page, then drag in the fields/ Once the fields are in place, click Save at the top of the layout page. Note The MSI Status on the Sales Insight tab will update to verify the config is valid after the next bi-directional sync. Marketo recommends that you check the Sales Insight tab to confirm the repair and that the MSI Status changed to Configured. How to Repair Configuration Problems in Salesforce Enterprise or Unlimited Edition To repair configuration problems in Salesforce Enterprise or Unlimited Edition: Ensure that the Salesforce user account that is used for Marketo sync has the proper permissions to read and write to the fields noted in the error message. Note The MSI Status on the Sales Insight tab will update to verify the config is valid after the next bi-directional sync. Marketo recommends that you check the Sales Insight tab to confirm the repair and that the MSI Status changed to Configured.
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Attached to this article is a ASP.NET C# implementation of Marketo's SOAP API. This is just a sample, but it may be useful for providing a starting point for building your own SOAP API client. Learn more: Marketo SOAP API Note: You will need access to experienced developers This is not supported development by Marketo Support. Our support engineers are not able to provide assistance in building or troubleshooting SOAP API's.
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Issue Often times customers ask which messages they should send to the Email Deliverability Power Pack seedlist.  Consider these guidelines to prioritize.   Solution Routinely seed from each IP/domain combination Prioritize seeding to any of the following: High priority segments (customers, employees, investors, etc. that have high strategic value) High risk segments (lapsed subscribers, new audiences, audiences that have not been mailed for more than 3 months) even if they are low volume Segments showing poor/declining performance (lower opens/clicks/conversions) Segments that reflect large audiences (weekly/monthly newsletters or operational notifications that go to the entire database)   Setup a recurring campaign that sends to one (or more) of the templates on a periodic basis, especially if you see declining performance. Who This Solution Applies To Customers with the Email Deliverability Power Pack
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  When a new lead enters Marketo from a form fillout or List Import, Marketo automatically searches for a lead with the same email address.  If that lead exists, the existing lead is updated instead of creating a duplicate. However, Marketo does not automatically de-duplicate leads who are already in your database. This is especially a problem for new customers who often have many duplicate leads in their database. Also, if you add a new lead directly into Salesforce (through the Salesforce import process or web-to-lead forms) Salesforce will create a duplicate lead that gets synced into Marketo. When this happens, you can use Marketo to find and fix those duplicates.   How Marketo handles duplicates   The primary consequence of duplicates is that one lead record could have the most relevant information about that lead while your sales rep is looking at the incomplete duplicate.   For example, say that you have a duplicate lead in your database and that lead fills out a form on your website. Marketo generally updates the lead record that was most recently updated. In another case, say you run a campaign to email your lead database and two duplicates are included in your campaign run. Marketo automatically detects the duplicate email address and ensures that only one email is sent to that lead. That Email send and subsequent activity will be attributed to the Lowest Lead ID.   When you merge leads, their entire history is combined, and you can control which fields are kept in the final lead. You won't lose any information or tracking.   Most customers have many duplicates when they start with Marketo. After initially de-duplicating your database, the work to keep your database de-duplicated is usually very small. You should work to stop the sources of duplicate leads and make Marketo your single point of entry for all new leads.   Finding Duplicates   Go to the Lead Database section of the app. Then click on the Possible Duplicates list in the tree. Click the grid header that says Email.  You can sort by email address to see the duplicates next to each other. Selecting multiple leads Select two leads that have matching email addresses.  You can do this by holding the "control" key down while clicking on the two different leads.  (You can merge more than two at a time, but start with two.) Tip: Sometimes clicking too fast will make the grid select incorrectly.  Clicking a little slower usually helps. When you have two rows selected or highlighted, click the Merge Leads button in the toolbar.   The Merge Dialog A dialog will appear showing you all the fields that differ between the two leads.  You need to pick which values to keep in the merged lead.  Not every field is displayed -- just the ones that you need determine appear. By default, the values from the most recently updated lead will be selected (with a check and highlighed yellow). To pick a different value for the merged lead, click the checkbox next to that value. If you want to enter your own values for the merged lead, click the Custom field for that row then type in your own value: When you're done, click Merge.  The winning values will be kept in the merged lead; the other values will be discarded. Important: Clicking merge will instruct Salesforce to merge the records properly.  All Salesforce and Marketo activities are merged into the remaining lead.  Nothing is lost.  Campaign History is also kept.   Duplicate pattern matching You will notice that the Possible Duplicates list has a Smart List tab.  Click on the Smart List and you will see it's using the "Possible Duplicates" filter on the "Email Address" field. You can change this filter to search other fields for duplicates. Click the little green plus in the definition. Note: You should use only one Duplicate Fields filter in your Smart Lists.  If you want to check multiple fields, always use the green plus button to add multiple fields; don't drag in a second filter. When you change the Duplicate Fields filter, you should sort the Leads grid by the column you're checking to put the duplicates next to each other. Marketo Merge Program Marketo offers a service for mass-merging of duplicates.  Please contact your Customer Success Manager to inquire about this service. What happens when I merge two leads in Salesforce? When you merge leads or contacts in Salesforce, Marketo will also merge the matching leads in your lead database. See this article to learn more about how that works:      
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Issue Description You tried to send a test email through Tout but it is saying that you need to set up an SMTP server.  The email identity set-up has the Tout servers enabled in my account. Issue Resolution We no longer offer ToutApp Default delivery channel. Customers can either use office365, gmail, or a custom delivery channel. The easiest way is to connect to their gmail account and use gmail as the delivery channel. Here are some docs that will help with set up as well as basic information around smtp servers & delivery channels: Who This Solution Applies To ToutApp Customers
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Issue Issue Description A field cannot be hidden, renamed, remapped, or merged into another field while it is being used by any assets in the system - where do you find what is using that field?   Solution Issue Resolution Go to the Admin section in Marketo Click on Field Management in the left sidebar Locate the field through the Search on the right There is a "Used By" section that shows the forms, smart lists, and smart campaigns, and any other assets using that field Go to those assets and remove the field name from it.  Sometimes the asset is a Smart Campaign with an unusual name, which may indicate is a background campaign for something like an Engagement Program, Segmentation, or Revenue Cycle Model.  In that case, you will need to go to the program or model using the background campaign and remove references to the field there.   If you are certain that the field you are trying to hide is not being used by any assets, yet it is shown as being used by other assets in Marketo, please raise a support ticket. Marketo Support can verify if the field still has any references within an asset. If not, Marketo Support can delete the dependency in the database so that the field can be hidden.
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