Issue Below are the fields in SFDC that are required by Marketo to sync an object. Fields in () are fields additional fields that are required if you also have Sales Insight configured.
Also specified are the fields that can be updated by Marketo. The rest of the listed fields only need to be "Read-only" for the purposes of the sync.
If any of these fields are not visible to the Marketo Sync user, you will see sync failures indicating that a required field is missing. To fix this, have your SFDC admin update the permissions level for the field(s) for the sync user's profile.
Solution Lead
Fields: IsConverted, ConvertedDate, ConvertedAccountId, ConvertedContactId, ConvertedOpportunityId, status, OwnerId, IsDeleted, MasterRecordId, Id, SystemModstamp, CreatedDate, Name, Email, (Company, Owner.Name)
Can be updated from Marketo: status, Name (via first/middle/last name), Email.
Fields: AccountId, OwnerId, IsDeleted, MasterRecordId, Id, SystemModstamp, CreatedDate, Name, Email, (Owner.Name, Account.Name)
Can be updated from Marketo: Name (via first/middle/last name), Email
Fields: OwnerId, IsDeleted, MasterRecordId, Id, SystemModstamp, CreatedDate, ParentId, Name
Sync is one-way only by default so Marketo doesn't make changes to your account records.
If two-way sync is turned on (e.g. for Person Accounts), Marketo can update Name.
Fields: AccountId, CreatedDate, Email, Id, ManagerId, SystemModstamp, UserType
Sync is one-way only by default so Marketo doesn't make changes to your user records.
Fields: Id, IsDeleted, SystemModstamp, AccountId, CampaignId, CreatedDate, IsClosed, IsDeleted, IsPrivate, IsWon, Name, OwnerId, Probability, StageName, SystemModstamp, (LastModifiedDate)
Sync is one-way only by default so Marketo doesn't make changes to your opportunities.
Opportunity Contact Role
Fields: ContactId, CreatedDate, Id, IsDeleted, IsPrimary, OpportunityId, SystemModstamp
Sync is one-way only by default so Marketo doesn't make changes to the contact roles for your opportunities.
Fields: Id, IsDeleted, SystemModstamp, CampaignMemberRecordTypeId, CreatedDate, IsActive, IsDeleted, Name, OwnerId, ParentId, Status, Type
Sync is one-way only by default so Marketo doesn't make changes to your SFDC campaigns.
Campaign Member
CampaignId, ContactId, CreatedDate, Id, IsDeleted, LeadId, Status, SystemModstamp
Can be updated from Marketo: Status
Campaign Member Status
Fields: CampaignId, CreatedDate, Id, IsDefault, IsDeleted, SystemModstamp
Fields: Status, SystemModstamp, IsDeleted, CreatedDate, WhoId, OwnerId, WhatId, AccountId, IsClosed, IsArchived, IsReminderSet, RecurrenceActivityId, IsRecurrence, Id, SystemModstamp, Subject
Fields: CreatedDate, Id, IsDeleted, OwnerId, Subject, SystemModstamp, WhoId
Who This Solution Applies To All instances with a native SFDC integration.
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