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This standard landing page template was submitted by Marketo customer Veeam. *NOTE: This is a customer submitted template that has not been modified by Marketo.  It is recommended that you have an HTML proficient person edit and fine tune the code before using. Steps to make this your own: Download the HTML below. Replace the logo & CSS with your own files.  Change the heading color with your own. Test!
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Issue:   Your Salesforce sync is not working because the password for your Salesforce sync user expired. You will see an error in Marketo saying:   describeSObject failed - The users password has expired, you must call SetPassword before attempting any other API operations.   Similar to this:     Resolution:   To resolve this error temporarily, you will have to change both your password and security token in Salesforce and then update these credentials in Marketo under Admin -> Salesforce -> Edit Credentials -> update both your password and security token in the 2 boxes illustrated below then press the Save button:     To permanently fix this issue, you will need to change the password policies in Salesforce so that your password never expires in Salesforce. To do this, in Salesforce, go to Setup -> Administration Setup -> Security Controls -> Password Policies -> User passwords expire in -> Never expires -> Save for your "" user in Salesforce:   Please note this is a Salesforce setting and you should consult your Salesforce Admin before implementing this change Is this article helpful ? YesNo
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With Marketo's Customer Engagement engine, you can now easily nurture and engage your leads. Not only does the Customer Engagement engine automatically and intelligently deliver the right content to the right person, at the right time, but you now no longer have to manually create or maintain complex workflows.   Join us for training on how to use this powerful new technology that truly reinvents the way marketers engage with their prospects and customers.   View the training here: Is this article helpful ? YesNo
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Using the Marketo SOAP API, you can check whether or not your website visitors have filled out a form and present them content accordingly. The following code below is unsupported and is intended to help you develop your own solution. In the resources section of the Marketo website, we use this method for our premium content. For leads who have already registered, their links go directly to the resource. Leads who haven't registered are given links to a landing page. In both cases, the link appears the same. Behind the scenes, a cookie is used to store whether or not this lead has registered: If the user has the premium registration cookie, the premium links are shown. If the user does not have that cookie, the lead's record is retrieved via the SOAP API. Based on the lead's record: If the lead has a valid email address, the premium content links are shown and the premium registration cookie is set. If not, the premium content links are not shown. Instead, they take leads to a landing page to fill out a form. First, you'll need to develop a SOAP API connection to Marketo. The attached ZIP file has a sample connection PHP file. You'll need to make the following changes in this file: ... $this->access_key = 'Your API Access Key Goes Here'; $this->secret_key = 'Your Secret API Key Goes Here'; // // The endpoint is in the "SOAP API Setup" page in the Marketo Admin section // ex. $soap_end_point = ''; // $soap_end_point = 'Your SOAP API End Point URL Goes Here'; // // Errors are sent to this email address. Your web server // must be configured to send email for this to work correctly. // // ex. $this->error_email_address = ''; // $this->error_email_address = 'Put your debug email address here'; ... After creating your SOAP API connection, the next step is to implement the logic that determines which content to show if the user is logged in or not. The get_premium_url_status() function returns true if the lead has the premium cookie or if they've filled out a form. Otherwise, it returns false. You can use that result to determine what content the lead should see. The attached ZIP file has a PHP file that contains an example of this check.
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Please ensure that you have access to an experienced JavaScript developer.  Marketo Technical Support is not set up to assist with troubleshooting JavaScript. With a change to the Munchkin javascript, you can send web tracking events like page visits or clicked links to multiple instances of Marketo. The code below is for sending Munchkin events to two or more Marketo accounts. If the events need to go to only one Marketo account, you can use the Munchkin tracking code as-is from the Munchkin Setup part of the Admin section. Note: Marketo tracks visitors to your website by domain (ex. ""). If your hosting this Munchkin script on a domain that's different than your primary domain (ex. ""), those visitors will appear as anonymous leads until they fill out a form on that other domain. Add a parameter to the mktoMunchkin call -- altIds -- and include an array of the additional Munchkin IDs where these web events should go, as in the example below. You can include any number of altIds in the array, each separated by commas. In the example below, replace the highlighted Munchkin IDs ("XXX-XXX-XXX", "YYY-YYY-YYY") with the Munchkin IDs from each Marketo account where the tracking information should be sent. <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script> <script>mktoMunchkin("XXX-XXX-XXX", { altIds: ['YYY-YYY-YYY', 'ZZZ-ZZZ-ZZZ'] });</script> Related Articles Adding Javascript Tracking Code to your Website (Munchkin)
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On your Marketo landing pages, if you want to retrieve a URL parameter via Javascript, here's how to do it. First, identify the URL parameters you want to capture. We'll use Google search parameters -- "utm_keyword" "utm_campaign" "utm_term" and "__kk". Please ensure that you have access to an experienced JavaScript developer. Marketo Technical Support is not set up to assist with troubleshooting JavaScript. Below is the Javascript you'll need.  Add this to your landing page with a Custom HTML element or by editing a landing page template: <script language="Javascript" src="/js/public/jquery-latest.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="/js/public/jQueryString-2.0.2-Min.js" type="text/javascript" ></script> <script>   // to set cookies.  Uses noConflict just in case   var $jQ = jQuery.noConflict();   var utm_keyword = $jQ.getQueryString({ ID: "utm_keyword" });   var utm_source = $jQ.getQueryString({ ID: "utm_source" });   var utm_term = $jQ.getQueryString({ ID: "utm_term" });   var __kk = $jQ.getQueryString({ ID: "__kk" }); </script>
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Overview A triggered campaign launches automatically when a specific action occurs. For example, you can use a triggered campaign to automatically send an email to a lead after she completes a form. Triggered campaigns have at least one trigger in their Smart List. When the lead activates a trigger and passes through the other filters in the Smart List (if you have any), the lead will immediately proceed through the campaign's Flow. In a Smart Campaign, the Smart List palette contains a separate folder with Triggers. These are the events you can use to activate your triggered campaigns. Be careful when using multiple triggers.  If you use two or more in a campaign, any single trigger can activate the campaign. Email Triggers Trigger Name Description Clicks Link in Email If someone clicks on a link in an email. This can be a specific link(s) or any link. Email Bounces If an email bounces from an address. Email Bounces Soft If an email bounces due to an auto‐reply, full mailbox, etc. Email is Delivered If an email is delivered to someone. Opens Email If someone opens an email. Unsubscribes from Email If someone opts out of email. Salesforce Specific Triggers Trigger Name Description Activity is Logged If an activity is logged in salesforce.This can include a logged call or task created. Activity is Updated If an activity that is already created is updated. Added to Opportunity If a contact is added to an opportunity. Added to SFDC Campaign If a lead/contact is added to a Salesforce campaign. Clicks Link in Sales Email If someone clicks a link in a sales email (an email sent through Sales Insight). This can be a specific link(s) or any link. Is Sent Sales Email If someone is sent a sales email (an email sent through Sales Insight). Lead is Converted If a lead is converted into a contact in Salesforce. Lead is Deleted from SFDC If a lead is deleted from Salesforce. Lead is Synced to SFDC If a lead is synced to Salesforce from Marketo. Opens Sales Email If someone opens a sales email (an email sent through Sales Insight). Opportunity is Updated If an opportunity is updated. Owner Changes If the owner of a record in Salesforce changes.This can be to a specific user or to any user. Removed from Opportunity If a contact is removed from an opportunity. Removed from SFDC Campaign If a lead/contact is removed from a Salesforce campaign. Sales Email Bounces If an email bounces from an address. Sales Email is Received If an email sent via Sales Insight was delivered. Status is Changed in SFDC Campaign If a lead/contact status changes within a Salesforce campaign. General Triggers Trigger Name Description Added to List If a lead/contact is added to a Marketo static list. Campaign is Requested If a contact/lead is sent into a Marketo campaign. Clicks Link If someone clicks on a link. This can be a specific link(s)or any link that is tracked. Data Value Changes If any data value on a record, includes all fields available for edit/update in Marketo and Salesforce is changed. Fills Out Form If someone fills out a form. Has Interesting Moment If someone has an interesting moment. Lead is Created If a Marketo lead is created. Removed from List If a lead/contact is removed from a Marketo static list. Revenue Stage is Changed If a revenue stage within a revenue cycle model is changed. Score is Changed If a lead score is changed. Send Alert If someone does something, send an email alert. Visits Web Page If someone clicks and visits a web page.This can be a specific page(s) or any web page.
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Attached to this article is a PHP implementation of Marketo's SOAP API.  This is unsupported, but you can use it freely as a starting point for building your own SOAP API client. Learn more: Marketo SOAP API
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Are you looking for a quick template to use in Marketo?  We have certainly got you covered with quite a number of options. 1.   Visit our Template Marketplace at 2.   Select a template that you want and click the Import Template button. 3.   On the tab or window that opens, login to your instance of Marketo. 4.   Your Program Import will automatically begin. That's all there is to it.  Your template is ready for you to use.
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Supported CRMs   Marketo has out-of-the-box, bi-directional sync support for the following CRMs: Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Online, On-Premises and CRM 2013   Boomi Connector   Through our partnership with Boomi, you can sync other CRMs to your Marketo system through one of their connectors.  Contact your account executive or the Marketo sales team to learn more about this. Unsupported CRMs   If you use an unsupported CRMs, here are the methods we have available for your integration: Import/Export Review the following articles to use a CSV spreadsheet to import and export leads from Marketo: Import leads from a spreadsheet into Marketo Export a list Custom Fields If you contact the Marketo Success Team, we can set up custom fields for your account as you need them. Send Alert Using the Send Alert flow step, you can inform your sales team, using email, about noteworthy events, including a link to the lead's details.  You can also format your emails with XML so they can be automatically processed by your system. Using Send Alert Munchkin JavaScript API If you have web development resources, you can use our JavaScript API to integrate your web forms with Marketo. Munchkin JavaScript API SOAP API If you have programmers available, you can integrate our SOAP API to retrieve and update leads among other functionality. Marketo SOAP API Is this article helpful ? YesNo
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If you want to put a Marketo form your own website but would like to keep progressive profiling and prefill, this solution is for you. Note These instructions apply to Forms 1.0 only.  These will not work in Forms 2.0. Learn how to: Create a Form Create a Landing Page Add Your Form to Your Landing Page Add The Iframe to Your Web Site Create a Form 1.1   Create a Marketo form with all the fields you would like to have on your page, see Create a Basic Form for details. Create a Landing Page 2.1   Create a Marketo landing page using the blank template, see Create a Landing Page for details. Add Your Form to Your Landing Page 3.1   Add the form you created above to the landing page, see Add a form to a Landing Page for details. 3.2   Select your form in the landing page editor. 3.3   Set Top and Left to 0 in the Property Sheet. 3.4   Drag the corner of the form box out ever so slightly (just a few pixels). 3.5   Now write down the height and width from the Property Sheet, you will use these values later for your iframe. Reminder Approve the landing page. Add The Iframe to Your Web Site 4.1   Update the URL in the code below with the URL of the approved landing page that has your form on it as well as the height and width. <iframe src="" width="289" height="192" frameborder=”0”></iframe> 4.2  Add the code to your website and it should start working immediately.
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Fixes released for October 2014   Issue Key Issue Summary LM-49492 Apostrophe Translation error in calendar entries LM-49223 Behavior in text tokens LM-49111 LM-48255 - Timezone showing incorrectly in 'Preparing to Run' field of schedule tab LM-49045 mkt_tok causing double && in links with parameters LM-48775 UI : Opportunity Text overlapping in Analyzer LM-48543 Forms 2.0 on IE browsers - required fields pop up tool tip unexpectedly LM-47779 web page constraint on filled out form filter is ignored if value is invalid. LM-47312 LM-41575 Program analyzer : Program names do not appear when a non-English language is chosen LM-44272 unable to clone landing pages from landing page list in Design Studio Is this article helpful ? YesNo Fixes released for September 2014 Issue Key Issue Summary LM-47761 Form 2.0 field uneditable and UI issue LM-47561 Visibility rules for field A do not include custom field B unless field B has a label LM-47559 analytics email performance report showing first and last activity dates in the future 2015 & 2016 for AUS settings LM-47354 Smart list is not pulling specifically from customer site LM-47318 LM-41574 Program analyzer : Program Parameters not Localized LM-47304 LM-41574 - SFDC Flow action details have not been translated to French LM-47034 Form Checkbox CSS not applied to all Checkboxes LM-46331 LM-43388 - Bandaid error in My Marketo after a favorite asset is deleted LM-37664 List import modal randomly changes names LM-36239 Cannot view entire Email list in record's in MSI Email tab
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This article explains how to enable tracking if your Google AdWords ad is configured to link to any landing page on your website, which may or may not have a Marketo form on it. The destination landing page converts the URL parameters into cookies. The page with the form has embedded JavaScript code to read the cookies and insert the values to the appropriate hidden form fields. High-level Requirements Create custom PPC fields to capture the PPC information Add those fields as hidden fields to the Marketo form(s); configure the hidden fields to get their value from the URL Parameters Add parameters to your destination links in Google AdWords ads using static values or ValueTrack parameters; you can use the Marketo or Google URL builder to simplify this Decide on an 'original' or 'most recent' PPC source strategy[REQUIRES CODING] Add JavaScript code to convert URL parameters into cookies, on all landing pages you plan on linking the Google Ad to. If your PPC strategy is to capture original PPC source, then the custom PPC fields need to be configured to block field updates. If your PPC strategy is to capture the most recent PPC source, then you can use the default configuration (i.e. fields not blocked from updates). [REQUIRES CODING] Add JavaScript code to convert URL parameters into cookies, on all landing pages you plan on linking the Google Ad to. [REQUIRES CODING] On the form pages, JavaScript code needs to be added to read the cookie and then pass the information to the appropriate PPC hidden field on form submission. Enter PPC program period (monthly) cost information Instructions Create the custom fields in on both the lead and contact object, making sure they map from lead to contact. The custom fields will sync over to Marketo mapped 2 fields to 1 Marketo field. For instructions to create custom fields, please reference knowledgebase or work with your Administrator. The custom fields to be created Campaign Source (utm_source) Required. Use utm_source to identify a search engine, newsletter name, or other source. Example: utm_source=google Campaign Medium (utm_medium) Required. Use utm_medium to identify a medium such as email or cost-per-click. Example: utm_medium=cpc Campaign Term (utm_term) Used for paid search. Use utm_term to note the keywords for this ad. Example: utm_term=running+shoes CampaignID (utm_campaign) Used for keyword analysis. Use utm_campaign to identify a specific product promotion or strategic campaign. This can be used to capture the Adwords CampaignID Example: utm_campaign=spring_sale Create a Marketo program (i.e. Google Adwords Program) and use a program channel (i.e. custom 'Google Adwords' channel) with 'convert' as the success progression status.Create a Marketo form with all the above custom fields on the forms as 'hidden fields' and call this 'PPC Form' Make sure you assign the associated period costs for this program on the setup tab. You will need to do this on a monthly basis; this is required if you want to get a 'cost per' anaylsis. Create a Marketo landing page and include the PPC Form on this landing page. Include code to get parameters from cookies Capturing Search Engine and PPC info on Landing Pages For all landing pages you plan on linking your Google Adword to as the 'destination link', you need to include code to convert URL parameters value to cookies Add the key values and parameter tokens to the URL. In the example below, the first URL is the destination URL you want to use, and the second URL includes the URL parameters and associated values/tokens. URL: Tagged URL:{keyword}&utm_content={creative} When configuring your Google Ad, use the tagged URL as the destination link which takes the lead who clicks on the Google Ad to the landing page. The keyword and CampaignID will be passed automatically when the lead clicks through the Google Adwords ad. The Source (Adwords) & medium (PPC) will be passed as the values in the tagged URL Learn more: Google Adwords and Marketo Overview Linking a Google Adwords Ad to a Marketo Landing Page with a Form Google Adwords and Marketo FAQs
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In late May 2011, the European e-Privacy directive went into effect in Europe. This directive legally mandates that websites tracking users with cookies must obtain explicit consent from the person before dropping the cookie. Marketing automation will become an even more powerful revenue engine when online participants feel safe about their data.  In addition to being given the option to opt-in to marketing and lead nurturing programs that are relevant to them, with the standardization of privacy protections, unsavory players will be cut out of the market. Businesses that are trusted will excel in this environment. What is a cookie? A cookie is a very small piece of software code that websites use to track visitors. What do these regulations mean? When asking permission, the website must be clear on what data is being tracked and how it will be used. A record of the permission confirmation action (e.g. clicking an agreement link) must be retained. What if I am based in the US? The regulations apply to all businesses and websites tracking European users. To be in compliance with the EU, American businesses must take reasonable measures to identify which website visitors are European and obtain their permission. The former EU’s commissioner for justice, Viviane Reding, is quoted as saying “Privacy standards for European citizens should apply independently of the area of the world in which their data is being processed,”. “To enforce the EU law, national privacy watchdogs shall be endowed with powers to investigate and engage in legal proceedings against non-EU data controllers whose services target EU customers.” In addition to this new cookie tracking regulation, US businesses servicing Europeans should also be Safe Harbor certified. Safe Harbor ensures that American businesses are compliant with the European Commission’s previous Directive on Data Protection. What if I am a multinational corporation? The regulations apply to all businesses and websites tracking European users. Is this really a law? The European e-Privacy directive is EU law. However, it is not yet national law for all EU members. With EU directives, member states are required to enact national laws implementing the directive. Most member states have not implemented national laws requiring explicit consent for cookies. The exceptions here are Germany, Italy, and the UK (see next question). The national legislatures do not always move at the schedule ordered by the EU directives. This process could very well take many years to cover all of Europe. Marketo will continue to watch developments and update this FAQ appropriately. Is explicit consent already law in any EU country now? Currently, there are several countries that have enacted this law. Germany has had rules on the book requiring explicit consent before tracking by cookies for some time now. Indeed, in many ways the EU e-Privacy directive is designed to harmonize EU member state laws with Germany’s privacy laws. Because Germany already requires explicit consent and other EU countries are starting too, Marketo recommends that businesses begin compliance implementation now. The UK Department of Culture, Media, and Sport (DCMS) is currently developing specific guidelines for compliance with this law. So, while the law went into effect on May 25, 2011, in the UK, the DCMS has stated that they will not be enforcing the law until an unspecified date in the future. Italy has also enacted laws to comply with the EU privacy directive. Marketo will continue to monitor developments and update this FAQ document appropriately. What happens if I am not compliant? This is a major transformation in privacy protections that businesses worldwide will be adapting. Most countries in Europe, like Britain, have not yet released specifics on regulations. Until specific regulations are created, there will not be details on the penalties. It is likely that over time, EU penalties for non-compliance will increase. What caused this change? Over a long period of time, the EU member states have had different privacy laws. It is a stated goal of the EU to have uniform and cohesive privacy regulations. Is the change good or bad? This change will be good for companies that are able to compete by online trust and privacy protection. With the new privacy protections, consumers and B2B buyers will be able to easily compare privacy practices of businesses they are evaluating to engage with. Businesses need to start competing on how much they are trusted with subscribers’ data. Businesses that are good at online trust will benefit. Marketo believes that initiatives that encourage trust will benefit the online marketing ecosystem over time. Who are the experts in this field? Who are the leaders in this information? I.e. where can I get more info or how can I stay on top of this topic? Many Marketo customers are experts in building online trust and competing on privacy. Marketo’s Privacy team is dedicated to Marketo customers and provides know-how on best practices compliance. The Online Trust Alliance (OTA - is a great non-profit working to foster trust in online ecosystems. The OTA is tapped into the developing privacy trends in the EU and Washington as is a great resource for member companies. MAAWG (Messaging Anti-Abuse Working Group) is a regular gathering of the top experts in privacy and messaging abuse prevision. How can I become compliant? The key to compliance is explicit consent. Explicit consent means specific language on how you are marketing and tracking. Explicit consent also means that there must also be some kind of affirmative action (e.g. clicking) where the subscribers acknowledges their consent to marketing and tracking. A good example of this is where a subscriber provides consent by clicking which causes a pop-up box specifying what you will do with the subscriber’s personal data. It is important that you do not mix up consent wording with more general wording on your business policies. If you integrate consent language into your general, then highlight consent language and record the click making consent. Do I have to collect this explicit consent on the first page of my website? You can decide where to collect consent and then drop the cookie. Many websites will allow European visitors to browse some pages or sections of the website before “popping the question”. The idea in these cases is to enable the website visitor to see the value of the web content or services before asking for tracking permission. For example, you might want to pop the question after a European visitor has viewed a certain number of pages, spent a given amount of time on the site, or visited specific webpages. Are there exceptions to this requirement? The EU directive provides an exemption for cookies that are dropped to track shopping cart contents. Furthermore, in Germany, transaction messages or messages that are needed to do previously specified business are exempt from these opt-in requirements. It is likely that other EU counties will adopt similar exemptions for existing business relationships. What about my personal blog or our employees' personal blogs and web pages? The EU focus is currently on business compliance. It will be interesting to see how Europe approaches tracking and consent for personal web properties. How is going to affect users who visit websites? If you are in the US it probably will not affect you at most websites you visit. Europeans, on the other hand, will likely be asked for their permission often. Europeans will be better able to factor privacy protection into their business and purchase decisions. Is this likely to change in other places too? Will the US change its laws? US privacy regulations are almost certainly going to change over the next year. The FTC and the Commerce Dept have both launched major privacy initiatives. Some national US legislators have also proposed federal privacy laws. While the final version of US privacy rules are nowhere near finished, it is very likely that US privacy is changing. What are others saying about this? Different organizations are saying different things. For example, Yahoo is saying they are compliant already: What are the laws in the US? Are they different? The US does not currently have Federal baseline privacy laws. Many online tracking methods are not yet regulated in the US. This is changing, however, with major initiatives from the FTC, Commerce Dept, and legislators. How does this affect Google and Facebook? The EU has made statements indicating the Google and Facebook will be affected by this. Indeed, it sometimes seems that Google is every EU country's favorite example company to drag into court on privacy matters. Industry blog GigaOm summarized, some EU statements about “one senior European Union official making a broadside attack aimed at services such as Google and Facebook” here - Does this affect only my website? Do my landing pages, social media profiles, or blogs, matter too? The EU regulations speak to any tracking by cookies independent of the nature of the web property doing the tracking. (Although, any cookies dropped to track shopping basket contents are exempt and in Germany, business interacting with existing customers are also exempt.) Will this mean I get less targeted advertising? Europeans that decline to opt-in will likely see less targeted advertising. Does this mean that marketing automation or companies like Doubleclick, Omniture, and Quantcast will go out of business? The EU privacy regulations create more need for marketing automation and web analytics companies. As businesses need to implement more sophisticated privacy protocols and compete on trust, they will turn to their marketing automation solutions to make it happen. Will web analytics work in the EU anymore? Of course. Businesses will need web analytics for the EU subscribers that choose to opt-in. They will also need web analytics on subscribers they do not cookie for things like testing different action flows to obtain consent. Web analytic solutions are good at analyzing both known subscribers and unknown visitors. Can I get in trouble if my marketing automation, web analytics, or other software does not comply and I am still using it? It is unlikely that EU courts will excuse lack of technical capabilities. Good marketing automation solutions will make this easy for customers to implement in the ways they want.   Can I not allow my website visitors to see my content unless they accept cookies? Sure. Business can decide what content to show or services to offer based on whether a subscriber has opted-in for tracking. Indeed, smart businesses will intelligently use content and services to entice subscribers to opt-in.
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This originally appeared on the Brand Driven Digital blog, 9/19/2013. Written by Marketo's Digital Marketing Evangelist, DJ Waldow. Used with permission. Unemotionally Subscribed – People on your list who have not opened or clicked an email message from you in an extended (several months) period of time. They have not unsubscribed. They have not marked your message as spam. They either ignore it or take the time to actually delete it every time it lands in their inbox. Now, it depends on who you ask, but the percentage of your list that is considered “unemotionally subscribed” can be as high as 30%. Yup. Nearly one out of every three folks on your email list are not interacting with your emails … not at all. As I mentioned in this What Counts guest post, once you figure out who fits this “inactive” criteria, you have a few options: Immediately unsubscribe or delete them. I call this the “DO NOT PASS GO, DO NOT COLLECT $200″ approach. Move to a new list and mail to less frequently. I call this the “I think I need to see you a bit less often” approach. Send a last ditch “We missed you” type email. If they don’t respond, then do #1. I call this the “I’m going to give you one more chance” approach. Set up a re-engagement email series. I call this the “I really don’t want to break up, but if you are not responding at all, well, it’s over” approach. No one method is necessarily better than the other. I’ve seen all 4 executed before. As I often say, the best practice here is the one that’s best for your subscribers (and your business).   I recently came across a great – creative, human, funny – example of #3, the last ditch “we missed you” email. Thanks to Suzanne Oehler who forwarded me this email. Check out this email from NTEN: The Nonprofit Technology Network The subject line – We miss you! - was certainly one that would stand out in many inboxes. The intro paragraph was short and to the point, but nothing crazy.   But then it got fun … and creative.   The first call to action read: “If you’d like to continue receiving NTEN emails, click here by Friday, August 2nd. Yay! This makes us very happy.” Again, they get right to the point. They even add a bit of “human” (Yay! This makes us very happy.) But it gets better. The “click here” link leads to hilarious Happy Dog video. IF you are a dog owner, you’ll love this.   The second call to action read: “If you’d rather not receive NTEN emails, we’re sad to see you go. Simply delete this email and in a short time your account with NTEN will be removed from our systems.” Nothing crazy. Direct. Clear. Simple. However, the “sad” link again goes to a video – this one goes to a Sad Cat Diary video. Warning: some language in this video is NSFW. Then again, if you’ve ever owned a cat, you’ll appreciate the humor.   The third, and final, call to action read: “Of course, if you change your mind, you can always sign up again” with the “sign up” link taking clickers to their email subscription landing page, of course.   Now, fun and creative is one thing. If campaigns like these do not meet their intended goals (getting folks re-engaged), then, well, they are just “fun and creative.”   So … Did It WORK?   I contacted the team at NTEN to see how effective this campaign was. Below is what they shared with me.   They sent this email to a list of 24,000 subscribers who had not opened in email from them in the past year.   For this particular campaign, they reported the following metrics:   Open rate – 38.89% vs. 26.73% “average” over the previous few emails Click-to-Open Rate* – 47.37% vs. 12.3% “average” over the previous few emails *in other words, of the 38.89% who opened the email, nearly 50% clicked at least one link   Of those who clicked a link, the Top 4 most-clicked links were:   41.14%: Click Here (Happy Dog … to stay subscribed) 4.91%: Unsubscribe 2.21%: Sign up 2.14%: Sad (Sad Cat … to opt-out) By all accounts, I’d say this “We Miss You” campaign was a HUGE success? What do you think? Have you tried a “reenagement campaign in the past? If so, how effective was it for you? Drop a note in the comments below!   P.S. The email marketing team at NTEN shared their “lessons learned” from this campaign in this blog post. I love their transparency. Is this article helpful ? YesNo
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The reason why the Sales Insight Anonymous Web Activity report differs from the Lead Management Anonymous Web Activity report is because the Sales Insight report does not show anonymous leads whose company name is either blank or is an ISP while the Lead Management report shows everything. The Sales Insight tool is geared towards Sales, and visitors with blank or ISP company names could be misleading to the Sales person. You can see this by looking at the Lead Management report. Notice that the visitors whose company name is bolded are the ones that are displayed in Sales Insight. When the company name is bolded, that means that the visitors company name has been verified using a reverse DNS lookup. Conversely, if the company name for the visitor is not bolded (or is missing), the reverse DNS lookup just shows us the ISP (or nothing if the reverse DNS lookup yields nothing). If you want to remove anonymous leads who do not have company information from your web activity report, follow these instructions: Hide anonymous leads without an inferred company in web activity reports
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Issue: We use Google Mail with Microsoft Outlook and the Marketo Sales Insight Outlook-Add In is not working.   Solution: Open Microsoft Outlook Click on Tools > Options > Email Options > Advanced Email Options. Change the "AutoSave Items In" drop-down from "Drafts" to any other setting. For example, you can use "Sent Folder".   Note 1) This is a solution for an issue found with the Google App that helps connect Gmail and Outlook. 2) Note that although some customers have had success with the above solution, we do not currently support Goggle Mail.  Currently, we officially support Exchange servers only. Is this article helpful ? YesNo
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Issue: When I resize my landing page, the elements on it do not stay in place.   Solution: Marketo Landing pages make heavy use of absolute positioning in CSS.  This means that you can drag and drop elements wherever you want, but the template needs to be constructed a certain way.  If someone has modified your landing page and eliminated certain required elements, it could break this feature.   If this happens, contact Marketo Support Is this article helpful ? YesNo
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Your ticket to ongoing learning!   Get the training you need, when you need it.  With a Marketo Learning Passport you’ll get unlimited admission to our entire catalog of classroom and instructor-led virtual training courses as well as exclusive access to our growing library of premium learning content. When it comes to advancing your digital marketing knowledge and Marketo skill-set, the Marketo Learning Passport is you all-access pass to ongoing learning.   LEARNING PASSPORT GIVES YOU UNLIMITED ACCESS TO:   • Live instructor-led virtual training courses • Live classroom courses delivered at Marketo Training sites • On-demand recorded training • Marketo’s entire eLearning library • Marketo Expert Series webinars • Skills assessment tools • Exclusive discussion groups     Is this article helpful ? YesNo PASSPORT BENEFITS   Convenient Learn from anywhere in the world, at any time   Cost Effective Pay a fixed price no matter how many courses you take   Complete Access Marketo’s entire University curriculum from beginner to advanced techniques   Want to add a Learning Passport to your subscription? REQUEST CONTACT.   Download the attached Learning Passport Datasheet for more information.
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Please ensure that you have access to an experienced JavaScript developer. Marketo Technical Support is not set up to assist with troubleshooting JavaScript. Is this article helpful ? YesNo
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