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With these instructions, you can populate a hidden form field with the current date and time. Note: if you want a user-selectable date field, see this solution for using a calendar date picker in your form: Adding a Date Picker to a Form Is this article helpful ? YesNo First, you need to add a hidden field to your form.  See these instructions if you don't know how: Making a Field Hidden on a Form   Next, add the following Javascript to your landing page in a Custom HTML element. You'll need to update the field ID, highlighted in yellow, to match the ID of the hidden field you want to populate. These directions show you how to find that ID: Setting or getting a form field value via Javascript on a landing page   Note: Please ensure that you have access to an experienced JavaScript developer. Marketo Technical Support is not set up to assist with troubleshooting JavaScript.
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Say you have a landing page with a form. You can dynamically change the form's follow up page based on values in the form by following these instructions. Note: Please ensure that you have access to an experienced JavaScript developer. Marketo Technical Support is not set up to assist with troubleshooting JavaScript. On a Marketo landing page, the follow up page is stored in two form fields -- returnURL and retURL.  You can change them with jQuery by adding a custom HTML block in to your landing page: <script src="/js/public/jquery-latest.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script type="text/javascript">     // set no conflict mode for jquery   var $jQ = jQuery.noConflict();   $jQ(document).ready(function(){     // set the new follow up page     $jQ("input[name='returnURL']").attr('value','');     $jQ("input[name='retURL']").attr('value','');   }); </script> To change this based on a value submitted in a form, you need to find the id of the field to read from.  You can find that ID by previewing the web page, viewing the source code for the page, then finding the label for the form field in the HTML.  In this example, it's TimeToPurchase: <label>Time To Purchase:</label><span class='mktInput'><input class='mktFormText mktFormString' name="TimeToPurchase" id="TimeToPurchase" type='text' value="" maxlength='255' tabIndex='1' /> Next, use a jQuery hook to change returnURL and retURL when the form is submitted.  We'll also use jQuery to read the form field values. Drag in a Custom HTML block onto your page, then paste in the following Javascript.  You must change the following for it to work correctly: TimeToPurchase: to the ID of the field you're reading from (leave in the #) URL: all the URL assignments to the locations where you want the user to go If you need to check for additional values, add extra "case...break;" statements to the switch. <script type="text/javascript" src="/js/public/jquery-latest.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" language="Javascript"> var $jQ = jQuery.noConflict(); function changeFollowupURL(){      // first, set the default follow up page   var URL = '';      // override the default based on form values      // Replace this with your own rules for setting the new URL   switch ($jQ("#TimeToPurchase").attr("value")) {     case "6 months":       URL = '';       break;     case "1 year":       URL = '';       break;   }     // set the new follow up page   $jQ("input[name='returnURL']").attr('value',URL);   $jQ("input[name='retURL']").attr('value',URL);   return true; } // catch when a form is submitted, change the followup URL function formSubmit(elt) {   changeFollowupURL();   return Mkto.formSubmit(elt); } </script> The Javascript needed to read the value from the form field may be different depending on the type of the input (text box, select box, check box, etc.).  See the jQuery selectors documentation for other methods of getting those values, and Setting or Getting a Form Field Value via Javascript on a Landing Page for more on how to get the IDs of the fields.
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Design Studio incorporates the Custom HTML code into its own code. It is important to evaluate the execution order to place the code in the correct position. The editor assigns unique ID numbers to each element placed on a landing page. That is done sequentially. Note: Please ensure that you have access to an experienced JavaScript developer. Marketo Technical Support is not set up to assist with troubleshooting JavaScript. div id='lpeCDiv_1612' class='lpeCElement'><span class='lpContentsItem formSpan' The screen shot shows the code is effectively before the form Elements to be have their default properties changed must to be placed after forms or the elements they are changing, ideally as a small box in the lower right corner. On the other hand code populating fields from cookies or parameters need to be placed before the form. The following code snippet pre-populates a field. It needs to be placed before the form, retrieving the value before the field is displayed: <script language="Javascript" src="/js/public/jquery-latest.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="/js/public/jQueryString-2.0.2-Min.js" type="text/javascript" ></script> <script>   // to set cookies.  Uses noConflict just in case   var $jQ = jQuery.noConflict();   var pEmail = $jQ.getQueryString({ ID: "Email" }); document.getElementById("Email").setAttribute("value", pEmail); </script> The next code resizes a text area. The Custom HTML box needs to be placed after the form: <script src="/js/public/jquery-latest.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> var $jQ = jQuery.noConflict(); $jQ(document).ready(function() { $jQ('#MyFieldName').parents('li').css('margin-bottom','300px;'); }); </script> <style type="text/css"> form.lpeRegForm textarea { width: 450px; } </style>
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Follow these steps to add a graphical date picker to your form date fields.  When you're done, it will look something like this: First, you need a form with at least one date field.  In the Form Editor, date fields appear with a date icon in the Template Form Fields list.  Drag one into your form if you haven't already. Next, edit a landing page that uses the form (or create a new one and add the form).  Click the form and make sure the box around it has some padding, shown below.  If the padding is too small, the calendar icon next to your date field will wrap onto the next line. Now add this custom Javascript to your webpage as a Custom HTML element:   <link type="text/css" href="" rel="stylesheet" /> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript" >   google.load("jquery", "1");   google.load("jqueryui", "1"); </script> <script type="text/javascript">   var $jQ = jQuery.noConflict();     $jQ(document).ready(function() {      $jQ(".mktFormDate").datepicker({showOn: 'both',          buttonImage: '/images/icons16/calendar_31.png',          changeMonth: true,          changeYear: true,          buttonImageOnly: true      });   });   </script>   Finally, preview your page and click the calendar icon next to the date field.  The graphical calendar will appear below the field. Is this article helpful ? YesNo
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The Marketo users at your organization have created several special campaigns for your leads and contacts.  Typical examples include sending someone a whitepaper about a new product or mailing a series of nurturing emails for people not ready for sales.   To add a lead or contact to one of these campaigns, go to that person's detail page and find the Actions menu in the Marketo Sales Insight section.  Pick Add to Marketo Campaign and click Go:     You can also select leads in your list and search views if you've added the Add to Marketo Campaign button to those views.    You can add 200 leads at once this way:     After picking the leads, you'll see a list of potential campaigns; below the selected campaign is a brief description provided by your marketing team.    Pick the campaign for this person in the Campaign Name pulldown, then click Finish: Related Article: Quick Start: Marketo Sales Insight for Salesforce Is this article helpful ? YesNo
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When you change or delete a field in, your marketing assets or campaigns may need changes.  Marketo automatically emails the account admins when this occurs. Finding fields in use It's up to you to correct any references to those changed fields in your assets; you may need to make copy changes, remove form fields, or update emails to remove those references.  You can use the Field Management tool to find where a field is being used: Field Management Hiding fields If you've deleted a field from Salesforce and no longer want it in Marketo, you can easily hide them from the user interface as long as they're no longer in use. (Marketo doesn't allow you to delete fields from the application.) Instructions for hiding a field are in the Field Management documentation: Field Management Multi-value fields If you change a multi-value field or select box's values in Salesforce, Marketo does not update those values in your form fields.  You need to check if the form labels or values need to be updated to match the changes in  If you do make changes to a form, remember to re-approve the landing pages that use the form
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If you sent an email from the Lead Database (as a Single Flow Action), as part of a campaign, or as a test email but didn't receive it, here are some tips. Check the "From:" address When sending a test message, make sure to check the "From:" address setting on your message. To do this, go to the Email Settings tab of the email editor. In the "From:" field, make sure that you either have a single valid email address, or a valid email address as the default. Many people want to send their messages from the lead owner. When you use the send test feature, the email address you are sending to doesn't have a full lead record, and so it doesn't have a lead owner. Since Marketo cannot send an email with no "From:" address, test messages without a valid email address in the "From:" field will not send. Send as a Lead If you have verified that the email had a valid From: address and you still aren't getting it, make sure to create yourself as a lead and send using a flow action. See if the mail was sent If you sent the email as part of a campaign or Single Flow Action, check the campaign's Results tab or your lead detail page to see if that mail was already sent to you. If it hasn't been sent yet, try waiting a little while longer. Check your Junk Mail In your email client, check your Junk Mail or Spam folder to see if the mail landed there. If it did, you should change the content of your email. Check your corporate spam filter Your corporate mail server may have blocked emails from Marketo; you should contact your IT department to see if this is the case. Please see our instructions for whitelisting Marketo's email servers: Add Marketo to Your Corporate Email Whitelist​ Try sending to a different recipient If you sent the original mail to your corporate account, try sending to a personal account on Yahoo or Gmail. If you sent it to a personal account, try your corporate mail account.  Use Marketo's Email Deliverability product The Email Deliverability PowerPack, with Design Informant and Inbox Informant, can warn you when your mail is being rejected because of its content and help you identify junk mail pitfalls. Also, using Domain Keys and SPF improve the chances of your email landing in your leads' inboxes. Contact Marketo If you still can't figure out what happened contact Marketo to see if we can help.
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When Marketing Suspended is checked in a lead's record, it will prevent any email from being sent by Marketo including the emails sent from Marketo Sales Insight.   Outlook emails however, are not sent via Marketo. They are sent by the mailserver to which the client is connected; ie Goolge mail servers or Microsoft Exchange Servers, and are not under Marketo's control.    The Marketing Suspended check box is located on the Lead Info tab.   Is this article helpful ? YesNo
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The Marketo Sales Insight for Sales Training Package is designed to enable the Sales team to use Marketo Sales Insight quickly. During the live in-person or live-virtual training sessions, a Marketo expert will teach your Sales team the core features of Marketo Sales Insight as deployed in your organization. By sharing best practices and tips from a Marketo Sales Rep’s perspective, the Marketo expert will evangelize how MSI will help your Sales team to close more business faster.  The package includes access to a Marketo expert during post-training, private Instructor Office Hour session. Learning Objectives: Learn to use Marketo Sales Insight to prioritize, focus on, and interact with the hottest leads and opportunities. In this custom training session, learn to use your Marketo Sales Insight deployment to do the following:     Focus on your Best Bets and Watch List     Monitor Interesting Moments that really matter to sales people     Sell smarter using Marketo emails and Smart Campaign   What you get:      Live in-person or live-virtual training session led by a Marketo expert.     Private Instructor Office Hour review session led by Marketo experts after the training.     Customized training Content topics tailored to your MSI deployment. Scheduling – dates and times are set by you. Location – Training can be done at your specified location. Budget – Costs are eliminated for travel expenses and additional time away from the office. This is a fee-based on-site training package.  Is this article helpful ? YesNo For more information: If you are interested in this training package, please contact
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While viewing a published landing page with a form, you can open it up directly in Marketo with this little tool. Note: This tool is not officially supported.      1. To install, go to      2. Drag Open LP -> MKTO onto your browser bookmarks bar. Tip: To show the browser bookmarks bar: Chrome: View > Always Show Bookmarks Bar Firefox: View > Toolbars > Bookmarks Toolbar      3. That's it. Just click the Open LP -> MKTO bookmark when viewing a published landing page with a form.      4. And you'll be taken to the landing page in Marketo.
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Wait steps allow you to “pause” a lead’s progression through a campaign’s flow.  This article will explain how this is accomplished, and help guide you around some common pitfalls when using wait steps.   When a lead encounters a wait step in your campaign’s flow it is “stamped” with the information contained in that step.  Think of it like a rubber stamp marking each lead with the time it should resume its movement through the flow.  The stamp also marks the lead with the next step in the flow, so it knows what to look for when its wait time is up. In the example below, leads will be sent an email from Step #1 then stamped by Flow Step #2 with “Resume on January 30 th at 10 AM.  Look for Step #3” which will then set aside these leads.  They don’t leave the flow, but they’re no longer still in Flow Step #2 either. Next, we’ll look at some situations you might run into when using Wait Steps.  It’s best to think through your flow and make any changes before you initiate your campaign, but here’s what to do if you need to make changes to an active flow.   Keep in mind that in a batch campaign all leads will move through the flow together, so they would all reach the wait step together and would all be stamped with the same information.  In a trigger campaign though, leads are more likely to have triggered the campaign at different times, and will be in different places along the flow. Is this article helpful ? YesNo
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When you ask Marketo to add a Salesforce contact to a lead queue, Marketo creates a duplicate lead in Salesforce and adds that to the queue instead.   The reason why Marketo creates a duplicate is because Salesforce queues can only have leads in them, not contacts.  If you try to add a contact to a queue, Marketo can either do nothing or create a duplicate lead and add that to the queue.  We opted for the duplicate.   If you want to prevent this behavior in your campaigns, use a filter on "SFDC Type is Lead" to limit the action to only leads Is this article helpful ? YesNo
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Looking for the web address (URL) of an image or file you uploaded? Marketo's got you covered. 1. Go to the Design Studio area. 2. Click on Images and Files in the left menu and then click on the name of the file you want the URL to. 3. The URL is displayed on the details page. Right-click on the URL and click Copy​ in the menu that appears. You can also copy the URL by highlighting it with your mouse and copying it Give yourself a pat on the back for a job well done! What's Next: Replace an Image or File
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It's easy to add multiple images and files all at once. 1. Go to the Design Studio area. 2. Under New click Upload Image or File. 3. Select the folder where you want to store the images or files, then click Browse. The maximum size per file is 50MB 4. To add multiple images and files, browse to the correct folder on your computer, hold down Ctrl/Cmd and click on each file you want to add, and click Open 5. Expand the File Details to verify you selected the correct images, then click Upload. To remove any queued files before upload, click the x next to the file name. Marketo will scan all files before uploading; infected files will be skipped. 6. When the upload completes, click FINISH. 7. Your images are now available to use in campaign emails and landing pages. Good job; you've advanced to image guru! What's Next: Organize Images and Files Using Folders
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Question: Can I add an attachment to a Marketo Email? Answer: Marketo does not support attachments at this time. As an alternative, you can host your file in Marketo and add a link to the file in your email. Add Images and Files to Marketo Find the URL of a File Hosted in Marketo
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Question   For those who do not want forms to pre-populate and/or track web behavior on a specific page (ie. referral sign-up pages), follow the instructions below to disable the Munchkin tracking JavaScript. Note, forms filled out on a page without Munchkin will not get Fill Out Form activity written to the lead Activity Log.   Solution   Edit a landing page template Go to the HTML Source tab Find the line: <?php echo $mContext['endElements']; ?> Add the highlighted portions: <!-- <?php echo $mContext['endElements']; ?> --> Re-approve the landing page template and any associated landing pages This change only applies to customers with Marketo Versions Released in 2013. Is this article helpful ? YesNo   Please make clear notes for other users that will use this template - this will eliminate confusion on the page tracking behavior.
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You can now build reports that show you A/B test data. Here we go! 1.   Launch Revenue Explorer. 2.   Click New Report. 3.   Select the Email Analysis area and click OK. 4.   Find and right click Program Channel, then click Filter. 5.   Find and add Email Send or Email Blast, then click OK. 6.   Double click the Program Channel yellow dot to add it as a column. 7.   Double click the Program Name (yellow dot) 8.   Double Click Email Name (yellow dot) 9.   Double click Opened (blue dot) And that's all she wrote! Check out your awesome report. See how you can see which subject line worked best? Depending on what type of A/B test was done, you can see Subject Line, From Address, Send Time and Whole Email data appended in the Email Name. Deep Dive: Reporting / Revenue Cycle Analytics
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Marketo has the ability to see and pull data from Salesforce Formula fields, there is however a catch which will be explained in this article.   Everytime the Marketo Sync connects to Salesforce it will scan records and look at the "SytemModStamp" (salesforce system field) for each one of them. It will compare this value with the stored value, which was pulled at the last scheduled sync. If the values match, Marketo will move on to the next record. If the values are different (new value later date than previous value), then Marketo will do a compare and contrast of all fields on that record in both systems and update the information as needed.   When a normal non-formula field is updated and changed on a Lead/Contact record in SFDC, the SytemModStamp value is updated. This is how on next sync Marketo knows to do a compare/contrast check and pull updates. Formula fields do not behave the same way. A formula field is calculated based on data in fields called upon in the formula; this means that the formula field calculation itself will not update the SytemModStamp in Salesforce.   Chances are you already have existing records in SFDC and Marketo. If you were to create a formula field today in your instance of SFDC and have it sync down into Marketo, the data calculated for the formula field in SFDC will not come into Marketo right away. The reason for this is, the formula field has created data based on already existing data, this does not result in a SytemModStamp change.   Typically formula fields will be a calculation of data from fields which are somehow related to the lead/contact record. This means that moving forward, any change in the normal field, will result in a SytemModStamp change as well as a recalculation of the formula field. In this case, Marketo will see the updated SytemModStamp due to the normal field change. Marketo will do the compare/contrast excercise and find that the formula field also needs updating.   If you create a formula field in SFDC and would like to have all the historical data for the formula field to come into Marketo, you can force an update on the records in SFDC to update the SytemModStamp. This way, on next sync, Marketo will see the formula data and pull it in. Alternatively, you can simply allow for natural SytemModStamp updates in SFDC to occur which should result in a slow trickle of historical data from SFDC into Marketo for the newly created formula field.   You can only use data from a formula field in Marketo to segment data and filter. If you try to do a change data value, Marketo will accept the change, tries to sync it to Salesforce and fails to update there. Eventually the Salesforce calculated value will come back into Marketo. Is this article helpful ? YesNo
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Here are directions for changing a one column form into a multi-column form. Set up your form To create a two column form, first you need to make some changes to the form that you're using.  First, you need to reorder your form fields.  The (visible) fields get divided into two columns by odds and evens -- odds in the first column and evens in the second column. If you want to arrange your fields like this: First Name Company Name Last Name Phone Number Email Address Then you need to order your form like this: First Name Company Name Last Name Phone Number Email Address Please ensure that you have access to an experienced JavaScript developer. Marketo Technical Support is not set up to assist with troubleshooting JavaScript. Also while you're on the form, note the values for Label Width, Field Width, and Gutter Width in the Form Properties: Set up your landing page On your landing page, add the form to that page (if you haven't added it already).  Make sure you leave enough space on the page so that the form looks correct once it's laid out in two columns.  The two column form will take half the height and twice the width of the single column form. Next, drag in a Custom HTML box and add the following code.  It does two things: rearranges your form into two columns and (via Javascript) corrects the tab order of the form fields. In the code below, you need to change the column width and form width to match your form.  You'll need the Label Width, Field Width, and Gutter Width from your form which you wrote down earlier: Column width (300px below) must be at least (Label Width + Field Width + Gutter Width + 46) Form width (700px below) must be at least (2 * Column width) <style type='text/css'> form.lpeRegForm li.mktField { float: left; width:300px; clear: none; height: 26px; } form.lpeRegForm ul { width:700px; } #mktFrmButtons { clear: both; } </style> Moving the error messages Depending on how you set up your form, the error messages that appear on each field may be in the wrong position. Use this CSS to move the error messages below the field. You may need to tweak the left or top amounts until it appears correct on your form. <style type="text/css"> span.mktFormMsg { left: 0px !important; top: 15px !important; } </style> Changing the tab order For a vertical tab order (as opposed to horizontal), add this javascript in that same Custom HTML block: <script src="/js/public/jquery-latest.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> var $jQ = jQuery.noConflict(); $jQ(document).ready(function() { // fix the tab order $jQ('.mktInput :input').each(function(i) { if (i % 2) { $jQ(this).attr('tabIndex',30000+i); } else { $jQ(this).attr('tabIndex',i+1); } }); }); </script> That's all!  After you add that code, you should see that the form now is laid out in two columns: Adding section breaks To add multiple sections in your form, you need to know the IDs of the fields immediately before and after the break.  See this article for instructions on getting the field IDs: Setting or Getting a Form Field Value via Javascript on a Landing Page In this case, we'll add a break between email address ("#Email") and company name ("#Company").  Add this inside the $jQ(document).ready() javascript block: $jQ('#Company').parents('li').css('clear','both'); $jQ('#Email').parents('li').css('margin-bottom','20px'); When done, it will look like this. This section break may mess up your tab order.  Delete the javascript block that assigns the tab order ($jQ('.mktInput :input').each(...)) and use jQuery to assign them manually, It tabs in ascending order: $jQ('#FirstName').attr('tabIndex',1); $jQ('#Email').attr('tabIndex',2); $jQ('#LastName').attr('tabIndex',3); ... Download Attachments: Two column forms-JS.txt
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When trying to sync updates to your instance from Marketo you see the following error in the activity log : "Failed: INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS_ON_CROSS_REFERENCE_ENTITY" This is an error sent to Marketo from There are a number of reasons why this error could occur but the root cause is always linked to the permissions of the Marketo user that you have set up in INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS_ON_CROSS_REFERENCE_ENTITY means that the user who is trying to make the update does not have access to a related element that is required for the record to be updated and saved in SFDC. There are a number of specific examples of what might be the cause but these will vary from organisation to organization depending on the configuration of your If you were to connect to sfdc as the Marketo user and try manually updating the same record that Marketo is trying to update then you will get the same error in the UI. Here are a list of some elements that you should check in SFDC if you see this error: Do you use record types? If so make sure that the the Marketo user has access to all required record types. Are there any look-up or master detail fields on the object in question? If these types of fields are being updated then make sure that the Marketo user has access this object/ these records. Do you use Apex? If so you may have trigger that fire on the the update of a record, you will need to make sure that the Marketo user has profile access to the relevant Apex classes. If you have any workflow rules or assignment rules that send an email when the record is saved then you will need to make sure that the Marketo user has the send email permission and has access to the email folder that contains the mails that are sent rules are triggered. Make sure "Convert Leads" is turned-on within SFDC.  If it is not, you will get this error message when trying to merge leads that exist within Marketo and SFDC. Is this article helpful ? YesNo
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