good idea Jo, thank you, but i'm just creating new email address to be honest. we alright have issues surrounding duplicate records so I wouldn't want to muddy the water further in...
hi all, been a while, can't believe im reopening this can of worms, thought it was setup forever.we've noticed that our onboarding program isnt firing for newly created leads. here...
thanks Zoe, you're right. I was trying to find a lazy way of extracting them all on one file together with the data values averaged for me already, but if looking at each report is...
hi all, i'm looking for simplest way to report on our automated program performances overall please. IE One report for all of our automated email programs. the least manual work re...
Hi all, please does anyone have any further info around doing this? we too have automated emails which we'd like to report on in isolation with minimal need for manual work.thanks,...
thank you all for trying to help, although its getting a bit complex for me. this is the bit of the code: for reference the information that you have sent to us is documented below...
okay so the token causing issues is:{{my.TEComplaintDetails}}.if people complain with minimal info there's no issues, but 600 characters, could be inputted and our paragraph text e...
hi all, we used an agency to develop an api sync and are now left in a situation where we're testing and some formatting components are going amiss.we've a 'complaintscomments' tok...