Hi Stepan Egorov, can you share an example of one of your OIA reports where this isn't displaying properly?I went through one of mine to see if I could recreate missing the green ...
Sanford Whiteman I'm having a problem with this as well. A few years ago you shared this code with me (see below) and I put it on my landing page as an HTML element (I use free fo...
I'd love to see a part of this segment where you introduce someone we should know at Marketo so we get a chance to put a face with the name and find important contacts within the c...
Grégoire Michel this is for my subscription center, not my normal forms For CASL I had opt in checkboxes and an opt out checkbox on my subscription center and that's what some pe...
I went with yes/no rather than boolean true/false on the advice of my team for opt in specifically. GDPR requires that you be clear (they repeat that ad nauseam) and my team felt t...
Michael Collins, I have a separate way to processing data opt in so someone can be in my database in any permission level and be opted out of data processing. That's a separate is...
Don't unsubscribe someone just because they don't opt in, that should only be used for an affirmative "don't talk to me anymore". Use a separate field to track what level of permis...
I no longer have RCE but maintain my RCM. If you have RCE, even if it's not in use it can be helpful for those times when someone asks for some weird 1 time report that RCE can giv...