I think we need to set it up for all form fills, as they're different content. A triggered campaign for each different content/form fill, looking at Data Value Changes of Marketing...
If you want to exclude the members of the program from the smart campaign, you can say Not a Member of Program in the smart campaign - though, the leads can only be added once to a...
Functionally, you could use a Data Value Changes trigger (which applies on the field which you're using to hold emails) - e.g. Marketing Suspended. When the same turns to FALSE via...
Triggers are activities - one way to grasp is one of the activities qualifies at a given instant - fills out form (activity) - as opposed to filters, which is kind of a property/cr...
Shelly Wilson - Yes - the campaigns which add leads to engagement program will still add the members to engagement program. However, it won't react until you switch on the engagem...
Denise Greenberg - Do consider that a lead can not be a part of multiple segments at a time. Though, we have experienced that the processing is faster for a segment v/s a smart li...
Durable Unsubscribe - Marketo Docs - Product Documentation mentions that - When a new person is created, Marketo checks it against the master email status table. If the person was...