IssueLead activity log shows "Change segment" or "Add to Segment" for a segmentation (i.e. "Change Title to "Directors")The named segmentation ("Title") does not show up in the seg...
IssueSyncing leads from Marketo to MS Dynamics gives error "Failed: INSERT for person [number] error: Could not Form URI for NavigationLink."
EnvironmentMarketo synced to MS Dynam...
IssueDelay in SFDC Sync causes email to be sent with unpopulated tokensWait steps in campaign designed to prevent race conditions are sometimes not long enough for the SFDC Sync to...
IssueNew person records are missing data and only contain Email Address.
EnvironmentOn24 Event Partner Launchpoint Integration
SolutionWhen Marketo pulls the Attendance Report, f...
IssueAfter going through a modification of a text field type from 'Text' to 'String', the field is no longer available as a filter for smartlists. Don't worry, the field is not gon...
IssueAfter declaring a champion for your Champion/Challenger test, you notice that the test (ex: "Whole Emails" test) in the Marketing Activities asset tree under your Email Asset ...
IssueYou are seeing a discrepancy in email activities (Sent, Delivered, Open, etc.) when comparing the RCE Email Analysis report and Email Performance Report, when looking at the s...
On September 30th, 2021 we sunset ourSalesNavigator integration with Adobe Marketo EngageSalesConnect.
When we first built this integration, we aimed to deliver key insights to se...
How to subscribe to Marketo service interruption and outage notices.
Issue Resolution
Follow the instructions RE:Subscribe to Status page notifications for ...