I have a box that pops up after inactivity -- but I really want some action if they proceed, not just moving on, so i'd like the box to stay on the screen until they close it or cl...
it is definitely still the case. my numbers have gone up considerably after removing the 'account list' criteria. Now if we can just get them to allow multiple segments per web cam...
I have our ABM industries setup as segments in RTP; I also have an account list for our employee base. I want to run an A/B test for an in-zone campaign, but I want "global" result...
What are the choices? When I want them to skip, I add them as a member of the campaign. But being a member, it seems that while they don't get that email (as planned) they also do ...
After our existing drip nurture ran its course we decided to kick things up a notch. We may have gone overboard in the number of things we added, with flow steps and skipping email...
but what's the overriding factor -- I want to look at industry primarily and IF none, then exclude ISP; but if industry happens to be known, and they're at an ISP location, then th...
I created a segment for our target ABM industries; for this example, we'll use "Financial Services"When I create the segment, should I exclude ISPs as a secondary filter? My though...
how do I switch out the background image? I think I'm following what you say (other than the VML Fallback??) and may just need to play around with it at some point...
I'm thinking, if I just add 2 header sections and then figure out how to code my template to have a "view on mobile only" and "view on desktop only" criteria on them, then that cri...