allow syntax for target urls to exclude pages in RTP Web Campaignsfor* (for all - exists) (suppressed, does not exist)
There are 3 areas of CRE (Content Recommendation Engine): Content Bar, Rich Media, & Email. Currently you can customize Rich Media pretty heavily as a developer, and the Content Ba...
I frequently upload lists that have multiple columns of specific answers to specific questions. It's not worth creating fields for each question, instead is better to append them a...
I eliminated all video embedding to rely completely on this element... and now that I need to remove them for one video I find that it's impossible!? DANG IT!
might be nice to even just have whether the change was positive or negative. Sometimes I don't care what the score is, or was, just that it went up or down
There are a lot of vendors out there that outsource this type of integration (for a price) -- but it would be nice in Marketo integrated one or developed their own... definitely a ...