Formatting of RTP CRE Email Campaigns

Formatting of RTP CRE Email Campaigns

There are 3 areas of CRE (Content Recommendation Engine): Content Bar, Rich Media, & Email. Currently you can customize Rich Media pretty heavily as a developer, and the Content Bar can format color, font family, and font size -- the basics. With Email you get 8-9 layout options which basically has a mix of where the title appears, a choice between a white or grey background, and whether or not you want a button. Very minimal choices. And the quality level of the layouts do not respond well to different size thumbnails

So, if your top-converting channel is email, as many companies are, you heavily customize and make your emails as functional and appealing as possible -- but if you include CRE (a fantastic way to rotate content by relevance) you end up with mismatch font styles and colors that potentially stick out like a sore thumb!

My request is to at least give the option to change the title background color, the font size & family; an uptick in the quality at different ratio sizes would be nice as well!

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