As of the upcoming July release, you'll be able to use "Hide" instead of "Show," which will allow you to achieve this:Show Xif A is not canada ANDif B is not trueis equivalent toHi...
If the iframe must be a fixed with, my recommendation would be to edit the form's CSS within Marketo to override anything about the form's styling that is not playing nicely with y...
Good question, you shouldn't!We work all the time on improving the editor so that common tasks are easy in the UI. That said, the UI will not have parity with what you can do in co...
Email suspended is temporary and occurs due to a bounce that may not be a fatal error. That suspension lasts 24 hours.Marketing suspended means that no emails will go out to that p...
You can use the article I linked to above to temporarily mark each link in the email as "mktNoTrack" which wil mean those links won't be tracked. Then it would safe to forward thos...