In the forms editor, go to "Form Setting" then click the little gear icon to "Edit Custom CSS".mktoForm .mktoLabel { float: right;}You'll probably need to add other CSS to make sur...
Bob,You can also just select "New Email Template" to create an entirely new Email Template without importing anything. The only real requirement for an Email Template is that you h...
Yes, it absolutely will negatively impact performance of other campaigns in your subscription if you have tons of unused active trigger campaigns. You should do routine cleanups an...
Don't worry, they will get unsuspended in our system but that field in Marketo will not get changed back automatically. The name of the field should probably be "Email was suspende...
Yeah, you should put the <img> outside of the <a> tag. They are unrelated as Sanford mentions. I also assume the <a> tag should have something in it besides a transparent tracking ...
I'm confused, they asked you to put the same tracking pixel in all the emails you are sending to your leads? How will that help them? If you send 1,000 emails to people with the sa...