This is now in our production environment! I've only received two requests so far to enable the feature. Please don't be shy! Let me know if you want this enabled in your subscript...
We will be releasing this feature with a patch outside of our normal release schedule and I want to explain how it will work. The items will be applied to our production code tonig...
Pia,If you give me a call I can explain how our landing pages work. As Josh mentioned, our documentation should be pretty helpful though. If you already coded the page exactly how ...
You cannot segment on variables in guided landing pages, only editable elements. I agree that would be awesome, so +1 on the idea. You should be able to use dynamic content with ed...
Log an idea for this! You can certainly paste that character into your text, but we can also add this to the "insert symbol" dialog in the text editor.
Sometimes when there are many editable elements and variables, the page can take time to load in the editor. I will relay this to our engineers to see if we can optimize the load t...
Yeah, an Email Script token can easily do this for you. If it's really meant to be a secure password, agreed that it is very bad idea to host that in Marketo or even place partial ...
All - FYI, Linda and I chatted and we resolved this issue. There was a change made to the token editor (not text editor), that caused the "default root block" element of rich text ...
Linda,What do you mean by "cloning tokens"? Do you mean you have cloned a program that has my.tokens specified? Also, you shouldn't use a rich-text token in a subject line of an em...