Clare,That request from your upcoming advertiser doesn't make sense (or they're explaining what they want incorrectly).When you send an email with Marketo we automatically add a tr...
Pedro,Definitely reach out to support if this is not functioning the way you're expecting. I would recommend using Engagement Programs for this use case. It is much easier to setup...
It currently has to be defined as a variable at the template level. If that's not how the example template is structured, you'd have to make a small tweak to the template.I really ...
Brent,Anything you are doing in the text editor is modifying the underlying code. In the old editor, if you entered a value for vspace and/or hspace, it would just add the correspo...
You are correct, we will be updating the text editor continuously.Please follow this thread for ETAs on known text editor issues:New Text Editor is **** One word of caution -> Alth...
Just FYI for folks on this thread, I'll be updating status for outstanding text editor issues in the following thread:New Text Editor is **** Please follow that and also let me kno...
Hi Jeff,Sounds like you are using a "free-form" landing page. When you drag content into a free-form page, it will end up within the "mktoContent" div. These elements are absolutel...
Hi Amanda,Sure, you can use any web font. Just add the necessary reference code in the page (either in the LP Template or in LP itself) and then you would simply specify via CSS th...