1) Yes -> https://docs.marketo.com/display/DOCS/Hard+and+Soft+Bounces+in+Email. When a soft bounce occurs, this is set to true.2) Permanently. You must reset it back to false your...
Also remember that the Email Suspended field is not automatically set back to false after 24 hours, so you are actually eliminating people that would otherwise qualify for the mail...
The way our example templates are written, that is the only way to do it without making more changes (the string variable sets the anchor's href).Minnie - if you are technical and ...
Are you trying to do A/B testing within an Email Program or are you simply trying to send an email through a batch campaign? If just sending from a batch campaign, the only require...
One thing you could do is use the form's Lightbox embed code, which you can find by going to the Form in Marketo, then clicking Form Actions > Embed Code and use the "Lightbox" ver...
No, it doesn't.The Gmail and Outlook plugins allow you to do the following:Pre-fill an email you are writing with a sales insight template.Add Marketo tracking information to an em...