Mask input would work perfect here: Apply Input Masking to a Field in a Form - Marketo Docs - Product DocsIt allows you to enforce the phone number to only being a certain number o...
Hello Community,I am building a referral form for our customers to submit referrals to us for referral credit. The new referral's company and contact info will be captured via cust...
Hello Community,My team would like to begin a customer referral program where we send giftcards upon them submitting a referral to us via a Marketo form. My question is if anyone h...
I'm sure there was some reasoning behind it, but just seems it should be "all-time" by default to combat the error of accidentally not including all the data when first viewing the...
Does Zoho have the functionality of the Marketo Sales Insight widget? In that case you can go to the Marketo sales insight widget in the lead and in the top right you can click "vi...
If you use the lead sales alert token in an email alert, you can navigate to the Lead Details without a Marketo login.More info on the token: Product Docs
When you set up an email performance report or email link performance report, the sent date of the emails selected defaults to "Last 7 Days". I very rarely send the same email more...
When a lead who is in an engagement program becomes email invalid or unsubscribed, we keep them as a member of the engagement program for reporting purposes (especially program mem...
Don't mind at all. Could you provide a screenshot of the flow? I'm thinking that what you can do is clone this trigger campaign and remove the trigger in the smart campaign and it ...