When we try to get program data by rest api, we can do it by different ways as belowQueryBy IdBy NameBrowseBy Date RangeBy Tag TypeIn this, when I hit rest api to get program detai...
For example, for getting static listGET https://######.mktorest.com/rest/asset/v1/staticLists.json?access_token=######## -> working fine and getting all static list but, for POST ...
Agreedbut By using _method= GET in rest APIs , some times getting proper response.... while sometimes getting error array as.... [{message=name cannot be null., code=701}, {messag...
As per http://developers.marketo.com/rest-api/error-codes/ We can convert a GET API to POST type by appending _method=GET in URLWould this also be done to make API hits more secur...
Thanks Sanford As I said We are integrating the staticList, Programs from MarketoBut it is getting difficult to maintain deleted or archive data at our end.. as this data doesn't ...
Thanks Devraj and VineelaThis solution will be helpful.. but adding to it..won't any things get logged in Marketo side... like... who created the Static list ?OR if anybody deletin...
We are integrating Programs , Static Lists and Leads in marketo with our applicationBut all we have are owner based thingsLike Program, staticList's... creator or owner we maintain...
Thanks for your valuable comments ....I don't have any Marketo Program dedicated to those email addresses. There is no such email addresses actually exist. I just want to explain m...
I need to collect all data related to Email Performance report using APIs only. I need this data email wise. For example I created two email program, one for email "xxx@yyy.com" a...