Hello,I need help understanding a couple of bounce codes for one of my leads...The lead has an Email Invalid set to true (checked off) with the Email Invalid Cause being " Exceeded...
Hello,When you look at metrics for marketo landing pages, is there an ability to determine a referring URL i.e. what site the visitor to the landing page came from (e.g linked in, ...
Hi all,Recently I've started using 2 new email templates that are causing Marketo to behave strangely when we try using them in the Marketing Activities tab. Listed below are the l...
Hi all,Is it possible to move the message that says "To view this email as a web page, Click here" so that it's not sitting at the very top of the email? (screenshot is below)We st...
Hey Josh,We're looking at our hard bounces too - In one example we had roughly 30% of our hard bounces come back with spam related reasons and a resource called spamcop really stoo...
Hi all,Is there a way to look at why emails bounced for a specific email? In the email performance report I can see counts for hard and soft bounces but I’d like to know the reason...
Hello,I'm styling a form and need help with adding padding around the border of the form.I tried using following code:.mktoForm {padding-top: 25px !important;padding-bottom: 28px !...